In the early decades of the eighteenth century, the concept of "European balance", which already had guided the choices of some nations in the last phase of the seventeenth century, lost its value in part because of the alleged hegemony of the Habsburg and Bourbon. The international situation is further complicated con l'ascesa di nuove potenze: la Russia e la Prussia. Per i primi cinquant'anni del secolo lo scenario europeo è sconvolto da una serie di guerre dette "di successione", in cui sono coinvolti tutti i paesi. A questi conflitti si devono aggiungere le rivalità marittime e coloniali tra Francia e Inghilterra, che estendono la guerra al mondo intero. La caratteristica peculiare del secolo è quella di un continuo mutare dell'assetto politico territoriale dell'Europa, trasformando il continente in uno scacchiere dove le potenze che dispongono di forze pressappoco equivalenti, cercano degli alleati per realizzare i rispettivi disegni, seguendo ognuna i propri interessi.
La guerra per la successione al trono spagnolo vide opporsi alla Francia di Luigi XIV una coalizione europea imperniata sull'alleanza fra Inghilterra, Olanda e impero Asburgico. Con la pace di Utrecht del 1713 e con il trattato di Rastatt del 1714, veniva sancito un nuovo ordine politico: Filippo V instaurava la dinastia dei Borbone in Spagna; mentre a Carlo VI d'Asburgo passavano i possedimenti spagnoli nei Paesi Bassi e in Italia, eccetto la Sicilia che andava con il titolo regio a Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia; l'Olanda invece si dovette accontentare di una serie di piazzeforti lungo la frontiera franco-belga, garantendosi così la sua integrità territoriale; ma chi uscì dal conflitto con più vantaggi fu l'Inghilterra, che vide l'affermazione definitiva della sua supremazia marittima e commerciale.
Altri mutamenti dovevano performed with the Polish war of succession which, at its end, he created the foundation for a substantial balance in Europe. The conflict began when the death of King Augustus II of Poland, Stanislas Leszczynski to which he was elected, however, prevailed, dispossessed, Augustus III of Saxony, the latter supported by Austria and Russia. War of Polish Succession was fought almost exclusively in Italy and ended with the peace of Vienna of 1738, where, with the mediation of England, loomed as the new political-territorial: the Austrian Empire ceded the Kingdom of Naples a branch of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain, and Lorraine was assigned to the ousted Stanislas Leszczynski, with the condition that upon his death the region was united with France (as it will happen in 1766). Meanwhile, the Medici dynasty in Tuscany all'estinta pass from Francis Stephen of Lorraine with that, thanks to his marriage to Maria Teresa, daughter of Emperor Charles VI, was linked to the Habsburgs. The death of Charles VI, in 1740, came to the fore the weakness of the Hapsburg to the throne, Maria Theresa, Frederick II of Prussia invades Silesia, thereby triggering the War of Austrian Succession. Maria Teresa is allied with England, but he can not beat France and Prussia, and the Peace of Aachen in 1748, must dispose of Silesia to Frederick II and the duchies of Parma and Piacenza to Philip of Bourbon. In short, at the end of the war, no changes had occurred substantial in the European arena, but had exacerbated the rivalry between Prussia and Austria on the one hand, and between France and England on the other. Rivalry strong enough to bring these nations to the next Seven Years' War. Meanwhile, in northern Europe, the decline of Sweden opposed the rise of Russia. With the ascent to the throne of Peter the Great, was implemented a policy of reforms, designed to placate the movement of revolt which were determined after the so-called wars of the North, so they had produced successes, but also exhausted the country. Russia had already replaced the role of Sweden in the Baltic great power. The expansionist Russia reached their peak with Catherine II, who in 1768 led to Poland in a civil war which resulted in a conflict in which he had also involved the Ottoman Empire. The Russian military successes alarmed Austria, which tried to persuade Prussia to join an anti-Russian bloc. Frederick II, who did not want to be dragged into a conflict in the Balkans, in 1772 proposed the first partition of Poland. The final dismemberment of Poland was only a matter of time: the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 prompted Russia, Prussia and Austria to implement the second and third partition of Poland, which never regained its independence until 1919.
La guerra per la successione al trono spagnolo vide opporsi alla Francia di Luigi XIV una coalizione europea imperniata sull'alleanza fra Inghilterra, Olanda e impero Asburgico. Con la pace di Utrecht del 1713 e con il trattato di Rastatt del 1714, veniva sancito un nuovo ordine politico: Filippo V instaurava la dinastia dei Borbone in Spagna; mentre a Carlo VI d'Asburgo passavano i possedimenti spagnoli nei Paesi Bassi e in Italia, eccetto la Sicilia che andava con il titolo regio a Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia; l'Olanda invece si dovette accontentare di una serie di piazzeforti lungo la frontiera franco-belga, garantendosi così la sua integrità territoriale; ma chi uscì dal conflitto con più vantaggi fu l'Inghilterra, che vide l'affermazione definitiva della sua supremazia marittima e commerciale.
Altri mutamenti dovevano performed with the Polish war of succession which, at its end, he created the foundation for a substantial balance in Europe. The conflict began when the death of King Augustus II of Poland, Stanislas Leszczynski to which he was elected, however, prevailed, dispossessed, Augustus III of Saxony, the latter supported by Austria and Russia. War of Polish Succession was fought almost exclusively in Italy and ended with the peace of Vienna of 1738, where, with the mediation of England, loomed as the new political-territorial: the Austrian Empire ceded the Kingdom of Naples a branch of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain, and Lorraine was assigned to the ousted Stanislas Leszczynski, with the condition that upon his death the region was united with France (as it will happen in 1766). Meanwhile, the Medici dynasty in Tuscany all'estinta pass from Francis Stephen of Lorraine with that, thanks to his marriage to Maria Teresa, daughter of Emperor Charles VI, was linked to the Habsburgs. The death of Charles VI, in 1740, came to the fore the weakness of the Hapsburg to the throne, Maria Theresa, Frederick II of Prussia invades Silesia, thereby triggering the War of Austrian Succession. Maria Teresa is allied with England, but he can not beat France and Prussia, and the Peace of Aachen in 1748, must dispose of Silesia to Frederick II and the duchies of Parma and Piacenza to Philip of Bourbon. In short, at the end of the war, no changes had occurred substantial in the European arena, but had exacerbated the rivalry between Prussia and Austria on the one hand, and between France and England on the other. Rivalry strong enough to bring these nations to the next Seven Years' War. Meanwhile, in northern Europe, the decline of Sweden opposed the rise of Russia. With the ascent to the throne of Peter the Great, was implemented a policy of reforms, designed to placate the movement of revolt which were determined after the so-called wars of the North, so they had produced successes, but also exhausted the country. Russia had already replaced the role of Sweden in the Baltic great power. The expansionist Russia reached their peak with Catherine II, who in 1768 led to Poland in a civil war which resulted in a conflict in which he had also involved the Ottoman Empire. The Russian military successes alarmed Austria, which tried to persuade Prussia to join an anti-Russian bloc. Frederick II, who did not want to be dragged into a conflict in the Balkans, in 1772 proposed the first partition of Poland. The final dismemberment of Poland was only a matter of time: the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 prompted Russia, Prussia and Austria to implement the second and third partition of Poland, which never regained its independence until 1919.