Island of Fernando Norogna (Noronha)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mom Caught Me Looking At Feet
Photos by Michelle Costa Roque
The Archipelago was first described in 1503 by Amerigo Vespucci. It was invaded by French and Dutch, and finally, the Portuguese took possession. Several historical sites retain vestiges of the colonizers: Vila dos Remedios, Vila da Quixaba, Parque de Sant 'Ana, and the ruins of the fortifications St. Peter of Boldre, Santo Antonio, and Nossa Senhora da Conceição.
With 21 islands, Fernando de Noronha occupies a area of \u200b\u200b26 km ². The main island, the same name, is the only inhabited and is also the largest - 17 square miles. Part of the island is the National Marine Park of Fernando de Noronha, considered an Environmental Protection Area (APA) since 1988, with approximately 8 km ².
The park was created with the "objective of protecting the fauna, flora and other natural resources. The park includes all secondary islands. The "total extension of 112.7 km ², and the perimeter, 60 km. It has defined five paths that lead to places that can be visited with prior authorization of "IBAMA.
The population of "Arcipleago is approximately 2,100 people. Tourism is developed in a sustainable manner, creating the "opportunity of" meeting the balance between man and nature in one of the most important ecological sanctuaries in the world.
Fernando de Noronha has a good infrastructure to meet the tourist: bank branch, police station, post office, tourist information office, hospital, police, port, weather information, hotels, guesthouses and Internet access. In some of these small hotels, you deal directly with the locals, who transformed their homes into small hotels, guesthouses and lodges pleasant.
Flora The predominant vegetation in Fernando de Noronha is composed of species typical of the rural area of \u200b\u200bnorth-eastern Brazil, which lose their foliage in the dry season. In general, it has trees and shrubs in the higher areas on flat surfaces. From March to July, the vegetation is more exuberant, but greatly increases the chance of rain.
Fernando de Noronha are many natural pools that allow direct contact with the varied and exotic local sea fauna. The waters of the islands are full of fish, sponges, algae, molluscs and corals, among which the most abundant of the "archipelago, Montastrea cavernosa.
From the viewpoint of the Baía dos Golfinhos (Bay of Dolphins), we see one of the finest performances ever imagined. Every day, at the "dawn, you can see groups of dolphins-rotator going to the" interior of the bay, an "area of" calm and protected, their natural environment.
You can also see turtles, from November, to groups on the surface of the water, the time when turtles turtles males compete for females, beginning the period of reproduction of the species . The National Center for Conservation and Management of Sea Turtles - better known as Project TAMAR / IBAMA - since 1984 takes care of female turtles, eggs and habitats of breeding e valuta la popolazione. Questi animali sono protetti da Decreto-Legge che proibisce la loro cattura, la pesca e il maltrattamento di tutte le specie di cheloni in acque brasiliane. L”arcipelago conta inoltre con specie endemiche, animali portati dall”uomo e animali migratori.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Braces Cost At Nyu Dental School
Emerging Market
Alle elezioni presidenziali brasiliane della scorsa settimana c'è stata una sorpresa, Dilma Rousseff , candidata del presidente uscente Lula , non ha raggiunto il 50% delle preferenze necessarie per la vittoria al primo turno. Per conoscere il nome del prossimo capo dello Stato del Brasile bisognerà attendere il prossimo 31 ottobre. Dilma affronterà ballot in the Social
José Serra. The outcome of the first round of presidential elections had only a modest impact on the stock exchange in Sao Paulo. Dilma fact remains the clear favorite to win the presidency and an improbable victory for Serra would not mind at all markets. Serra has governed successfully in the past the rich state of Sao Paulo and was mayor of Sao Paulo, the financial center of Brazil. In any case, most experts are convinced that with Dilma that Serra to lead the country with the "Brazilian Miracle" will continue. In the second quarter of this year the GDP
Brazil grew by 8% 8. For the full year 2010 economists are predicting an average increase of 7.5%. The foundations for the next year are strong. Brazil is a country with vast natural resources, the financial crisis barely touched him and his real-estate market there has been a speculative bubble. In recent years, have created millions of new jobs. The unemployment rate fell in August to a new low. Brazil is now the eighth world economy in the future and to reach fifth place behind the USA, China, Japan and Germany. The high economic and political credibility acquired from Brazil is shown by the fact that the country has been to organize the World Cup and the Olympics within four years. (Source: bag inside)
Alle elezioni presidenziali brasiliane della scorsa settimana c'è stata una sorpresa, Dilma Rousseff , candidata del presidente uscente Lula , non ha raggiunto il 50% delle preferenze necessarie per la vittoria al primo turno. Per conoscere il nome del prossimo capo dello Stato del Brasile bisognerà attendere il prossimo 31 ottobre. Dilma affronterà ballot in the Social
José Serra. The outcome of the first round of presidential elections had only a modest impact on the stock exchange in Sao Paulo. Dilma fact remains the clear favorite to win the presidency and an improbable victory for Serra would not mind at all markets. Serra has governed successfully in the past the rich state of Sao Paulo and was mayor of Sao Paulo, the financial center of Brazil. In any case, most experts are convinced that with Dilma that Serra to lead the country with the "Brazilian Miracle" will continue. In the second quarter of this year the GDP
Brazil grew by 8% 8. For the full year 2010 economists are predicting an average increase of 7.5%. The foundations for the next year are strong. Brazil is a country with vast natural resources, the financial crisis barely touched him and his real-estate market there has been a speculative bubble. In recent years, have created millions of new jobs. The unemployment rate fell in August to a new low. Brazil is now the eighth world economy in the future and to reach fifth place behind the USA, China, Japan and Germany. The high economic and political credibility acquired from Brazil is shown by the fact that the country has been to organize the World Cup and the Olympics within four years. (Source: bag inside)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Diapered Paris Kennedy
Gara di endurance night and day
Boys, and this is over, a giant congratulations to everyone because even if the means did all the shit you gave 200% to try to get the best finish possible. Rode a little ass of course, thinking of the differences between our karts and 30, have not had the opportunity to race for the podium, because the team we were, I'm sure that with half a bun is definitely fighting for the win if we had the 30 of us, we gave the old driver 3 laps safe, however it is gone so is amen, I assure you that it is not da tutti passare in 5 ore da un 19° posto a un 8° in gara 1 e da un 20° a un 4° posto in solo 1 ora in gara 2, chi era 1 pò più veloce, chi 1 pò meno, ma vi assicuro che il bilancio totale ci ha visti martellare dei tempi talmente costanti da far invidia ai primi perchè neanche loro riuscivano a essere così costanti, poi anche tempo in pista sempre al limite, mentre gli altri per non rischiare si fermavano sempre dopo i 17/18 minuti, noi eravamo costantemente ai box al 19° minuto, roba da ferrari s.p.a. come direbbe sergio ah ah!!!!
Quindi in poke parole bravi a tutti!!!!

Boys, and this is over, a giant congratulations to everyone because even if the means did all the shit you gave 200% to try to get the best finish possible. Rode a little ass of course, thinking of the differences between our karts and 30, have not had the opportunity to race for the podium, because the team we were, I'm sure that with half a bun is definitely fighting for the win if we had the 30 of us, we gave the old driver 3 laps safe, however it is gone so is amen, I assure you that it is not da tutti passare in 5 ore da un 19° posto a un 8° in gara 1 e da un 20° a un 4° posto in solo 1 ora in gara 2, chi era 1 pò più veloce, chi 1 pò meno, ma vi assicuro che il bilancio totale ci ha visti martellare dei tempi talmente costanti da far invidia ai primi perchè neanche loro riuscivano a essere così costanti, poi anche tempo in pista sempre al limite, mentre gli altri per non rischiare si fermavano sempre dopo i 17/18 minuti, noi eravamo costantemente ai box al 19° minuto, roba da ferrari s.p.a. come direbbe sergio ah ah!!!!
Quindi in poke parole bravi a tutti!!!!
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