Thirty years ago the decisive session of the House for approval 194. Both of the Senate comes just nine days after the assassination of Aldo Moro. With the exchange of votes and abstentions between PCI and DC wears the killing of a law. Women's anger explodes. ( Eleonora Martini )
"There are laws that mark more than others or more immediate daily life, which change the quality, so to speak. The law last night the Senate has finally approved by 160 votes to 148, is certainly one of them. "
On May 19, 1978 Miriam Mafai announces that the first page of La Repubblica the launch of the final Act 194 with which Italy legalizes abortion. Il Corriere della Sera headline instead: "Law is necessary, painful choices." With the Senate so it ends - at least so it seemed at the time - after years of battles and political and cultural clashes. A climate that has recently become very harmful to the path of "historic compromise" which is being initiated with the Christian Democrats and Communists morotei berlingueriani. The situation then drops when the Red Brigades kidnapped and killed, May 9, the president of the Christian Democrats, Aldo Moro. It goes without saying that when the text of the law comes to the Senate, just nine days after that tragic event, voting slips away without much debate and emozioni.
Ma la vera partita si è già giocata il 14 aprile alla Camera, con una lunga e sofferta seduta. «Pci e Dc si scambiano voti e astensioni e concordano il massacro della legge. La ritirata radicale», è il titolo d'apertura del manifesto, il giorno dopo. Sono passati esattamente trent'anni e vale la pena oggi ripercorrere - a grandi linee - quei giorni, per interrogarsi su cosa abbia rappresentato davvero quel voto del '78 e su come si sia giunti alla formulazione di una legge entrata talmente nella nostra consuetudine da essere semplicemente chiamata «la 194».
Mentre già dal 1973 in Parlamento venivano presentate le prime proposte di legge in materia, come quella del deputato socialista Loris Fortuna, the feminist movement overcoming internal divisions and splits instead fights for the legalization of abortion but not for its decriminalization. For a form on which to conclude that the intervention abortion like any other medical treatment to be rendered to those in need. Then in '75, are particularly stir the arrests of the Secretary Gianfranco Spadaccia radical, accused of organizing illegal abortions in a clinic in Florence, and I militants Adele and Emma Bonino, who autodenunciano. And while the columns of the Corriere della Sera Pier Paolo Pasolini is morally opposed to abortion, the Express, along with the extra-parliamentary left, began a campaign for a referendum. But the real news arrives, again in '75, with a ruling by the Constitutional Court declaring abortion illegal punishment when it is a threat to women's health and calls on the government to legislate on the basis that "it can not be conceived at a total head and absolute "than the woman's body. So we arrive at April 14, 1978, when the House votes to put the text of the 194. The session lasts for 36 hours without interruption due to obstruction of the Radicals, with MPs forced to spend the night here, "camping out" between the benches, as the chronicles of the time. A deadlock, we think the president Pietro Ingrao, convened a meeting in his office with team leaders and find agreement with the Radicals: end obstruction and in return, the referendum on public financing to political parties in June, will add a question to repeal the law on the Royal Arms. The 194 goes well with 308 votes: those of the PCI, PSI, PSDI, PRI, PLI, and a group of Democrats. 275 deputies voted against: almost all the Democrats, the Radicals, the MSI, the Pdup-Dp.
The text adopted is seriously worse than the original, developed since January '77 by a joint parliamentary committee and cross that had been given the task of finding a happy synthesis of all the bills submitted so far. Then, the law was approved by the same benches with the votes of the extreme left, but then was rejected in the Senate. In one year, but much has changed, especially in recent months: the March 16 Br Aldo Moro kidnap and kill the five men of his escort. That morning the House was expected vote of confidence in the government Andreotti V, who resigned on March 11 because the Communist Party had withdrawn support from outside and asked to enter the government. On 9 May, 55 days after opening a deep debate among Italians, is recovered via Caetani in the body of Aldo Moro. On 16 May the government of one color Andreotti regains the confidence vote with the Communists and Socialists. Even the final approval of the 194 seals in the Senate in some ways a new-found "national solidarity".
Law But it ends up frustrating a bit 'all. The Christian Democrats, agreeing to withdraw any clause that characterize abortion as a crime, incurring the wrath of the Vatican. And women EDU "shouted their anger at Parliament for the massacre of the original text," writes the poster. Two articles in particular claims, 5 and 12, amended by the DC in a pejorative sense. The first is that the doctor or the clinic in preliminary talks involving the father of the unborn, "where she permits it." The second procedure provides a more restrictive for minors 18 years and raises the age limit for self-determination (in the original text was 16). Also opposed is Article 9 objectors consciousness of thought for those who are already health profession might feel compelled to "suffer" a rule contrary to their morals.
Thirty years later, upset the political landscape and social change characters, roles and deployments are redrawn, but the woman's body remains the preferred ground on which to play elsewhere.
(poster, 4/13/2008)
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