Friday, May 30, 2008

Does La La Have Weave

Tasso di occupazione in Italia

Disoccupazione in calo in Italia, con un tasso che nel 2007 si è portato al 6,1 per cento (nel 2006 fu del 6,8), il livello più basso dal 1993. Resta forte il gap territoriale : al Sud la disoccupazione è ancora all'11,8 per cento (-0,3), while the North stood at 3.8. Concerned about the strong growth in the rate of inactivity (ie those not seeking employment), which in some areas of the South is 50 percent. To make it known is the Istat, which broadcasts the complete data collection of labor force in 2007. The analysis is divided into three chapters. We see them in detail.
employment rate.
is the ratio between the employed and the population aged 15 years and 64 years. In 2007, a slight increase, reaching 58.7 percent (+0.3 compared to 2006). As for the territories, there is some marginal changes only to the Centre and North, while the data remain unchanged for the South . In detail, Emilia-Romagna (70.3 percent), Valle d'Aosta (68.1) and Trentino-Alto Adige (68) topped the charts for both total employment for working women. The worst data concern Campania (43.7 percent), Sicily (44.6) and Calabria (44.9). In all southern regions, then the employment rates of women component was small and still below the national average . In Campania, Sicily, Puglia and Calabria the proportion of women between 15 and 64 years working ATE circa la metà di quella dell’Emilia-Romagna . Nel Mezzogiorno, solo l’Abruzzo, con il 71,4 per cento, manifesta un tasso di occupazione maschile superiore alla media (pari al 70,7 per cento). In Calabria, Campania e Sicilia sono occupati circa sei ogni dieci uomini tra i 15 e i 64 anni; in Emilia Romagna e Trentino-Alto Adige poco meno di otto.
Tasso di disoccupazione.
È il rapporto tra le persone in cerca di occupazione e la forza lavoro. Nella media del 2007 tale valore si posiziona al 6,1 per cento, 7 decimi di punto in meno in confronto al 2006. Nello stesso periodo, ricorda l'Istat, la media nell’Unione europea è risultata by 7.1 percent. The regions with the highest unemployment rate are Sicily (13.0 percent), Campania, Puglia and Calabria (11.2 percent), the lowest rate is found in Trentino-Alto Adige ( 2.7 per cent), Emilia-Romagna (2.9 percent) and Valle d'Aosta (3.2 percent). The fall of this value, the researchers point out, is not a reduction in regional disparities, which remain very large: in Sicily, for example, the indicator is almost five times higher than in Trentino Alto Adige. Compared with 2006, the regional ranking is unchanged. The breakdown by gender, the negative record is Sicily , sia per la componente maschile sia per quella femminile.
Tasso di inattività.
È la percentuale di popolazione che, pure in età da lavoro, è fuori dal mercato (per scelta o per mancanza di possibilità). Nel 2007 si è attestata al 37,5, due decimi di punto in più rispetto al 2006. Le regioni con il tasso più alto sono quelle meridionali, in cui alla discesa della disoccupazione si associa un aumento delle cosiddette "non forze di lavoro". In particolare, in Campania, Calabria e Sicilia sono inattive quasi cinque persone in età lavorativa su dieci . Le regioni in cui si registrano tassi d'inattività più bassi sono Emilia Romagna, Valle d'Aosta and Trentino Alto Adige. Compared with 2006, the increase of inactivity concerns primarily the Calabria and to a lesser extent, Campania and Basilicata. The inactivity of women is particularly high in the South, where it is still above 50 percent, with a peak of 67.3 in Campania, and is growing. Even for men the rates of inactivity in the southern parts are greater than the national average.
(from )

Monday, May 19, 2008

What Are The Best Stereo Receivers ?

More Women in Motion, less movement "for life"

Padova - objected to the pro-life movement in Civitas

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This afternoon [10.5 ] within Civitas, the annual fair of the third sector, the Women's Movement in Padua have "dismantled" the stand of the pro-life movement. A score of women are meeting in front of the stand of the MPV. From the megaphone was pointed to the bill in the next regional council discussion. The gadgets have been packaged, the burst balloons and posters removed from the walls. In their place two banners that read: "Objective objectors" - "More Women in Motion, less pro-life movement."

is not the first time that women in the movement from Veneto are mobilizing against the PDL # 3. The bill sought by antiaborista Popular Movement for Life presented to the Veneto Regional Council wants to bring its volunteers "within the clinics, departments of gynecology and obstetrics, in waiting rooms and lobbies of hospitals."

In Veneto is increasingly difficult to have an abortion. And 'the region at the second highest number of objectors of consciousness at the national level: 80.5% of the gynecologists, 47.7% of anesthesiologists, 45.4% of the non-medical data from 2003, but in the Veneto countryside would lead to peaks of 98% (the largest number Basilicata ). In Padova there are only three doctors who practice voluntary interruption of pregnancy. PDL # 3 attacks L. 194/78.

"For our body we decide!" Was reiterated by the voice-over, to the applause of women and men who were visiting Civitas.

for self-determination of women: less pro-life movement more women on the move!


Global Project Padova - Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Restorable Old Cudas For Sale

Act 40, the pre-implantation diagnosis

Come the new guidelines on fertility treatment. Against outgoing Minister Livia Turkish occurs in the majority "One institutional rudeness" (I . B).

A "political snub 'at the end of term, a" perversion of the law, "a" poisoned arrow. " Pdl, Lega and UDC also occur in unison: the new lines on medically assisted procreation in the Decree signed on 11 April by outgoing Health Minister Livia Turkish and yesterday in the official gazette, should be modified by the new government, is the message. But for the moment, the text of Law 40 on the basis of updated several judgments of the judiciary, including that of October 2007 which annulled the TAR of Lazio vires some parts of the previous guidelines, eliminates the prohibition on pre-implantation embryo diagnosis. It allows the use of assisted reproductive technologies including couples in which man is a carrier of viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B and C.

"We have given an answer - Livia says Turkish - to those who, operators and citizens, called for clarity on the possibility of preimplantation diagnosis, explaining that the guidelines, as such, can not provide for prohibitions that are not already covered by the law itself '. And, adds the almost former minister, "was incorporated as required by law, with the help of the Higher Institute of Health, the opinion of the Board of Health with all the particulars. " Including those which invited "to implement the psychological support to women and couples access to assisted reproductive technologies before, during and after applying the techniques or following the failure of the same."

Pending a ruling that even the Constitutional Court, the associations Amica Cicogna, Stork and The Other Mother tube appreciate this step, however, hoping that 40 will be reopened on the parliamentary debates to a new law. Although, given the comments of those from the beyond the majority and thunders against the "eugenic drift" of the ministerial decree, not pulling air improvements. Indeed. Comment positively to the new guidelines also Carlo Flamigni, professor of gynecology at the University of Bologna, is warns that the "weakness" of the obligation to fertilize only three embryos per cycle, which "reduces the space for a pre-implantation diagnosis that has a real chance of success and an opportunity to achieve a pregnancy, "because" in the case of couples with genetic disorders is high probability that at least one embryo is 'sick', and it is said to be formed, however, three embryos '. For the radical Silvio Viale, ginecologo, «le linee guida non sono nulla di rivoluzionario, non modificano una legge ingiusta ma correggono alcune cattiverie non previste nemmeno dalla legge» e tra le tante dichiarazioni contrarie, «stupisce il silenzio dei laici del Pdl, assordante e poco onorevole».

Si fanno sentire invece gli ultrà cattolici del Pd, come i teodem Paola Binetti e Emanuela Baio Dossi che, chiedendo di «chiarire dal punto di vista scientifico e etico cosa si intende per selezione eugenetica», sostengono che «la diagnosi preimpianto sull'embrione appare in contraddizione con la ratio dell'articolo 1 della legge 40. Questa diagnosi permette indirettamente test genetici non osservazionali. Si potranno così prelevare cellule dall'embrione, damage. Not only that, you distort the purpose of the law that aims to respond to the desire for parenthood of infertile couples, or infertile. The new guidelines it is as if they made hereditary sterility, with no face and solve. " Shoot to zero, then the association Science and Life that at the time headed by the same Binetti, was a major sponsor - with Camillo Ruini - abstention in the referendum on assisted procreation, "After defending the law 40 squares and neglecting to vote, we could all respects except that we must defend by a minister of the republic. A minister on this occasion showed his whole face and illiberal arrogant and has openly contradicted the outcome of the referendum. " And it also looks at the life science and new government and ordered: "It must now restore the legitimacy of the referendum result."

(poster, 01/05/2008)