Padova - objected to the pro-life movement in Civitas
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This afternoon [10.5 ] within Civitas, the annual fair of the third sector, the Women's Movement in Padua have "dismantled" the stand of the pro-life movement. A score of women are meeting in front of the stand of the MPV. From the megaphone was pointed to the bill in the next regional council discussion. The gadgets have been packaged, the burst balloons and posters removed from the walls. In their place two banners that read: "Objective objectors" - "More Women in Motion, less pro-life movement."
is not the first time that women in the movement from Veneto are mobilizing against the PDL # 3. The bill sought by antiaborista Popular Movement for Life presented to the Veneto Regional Council wants to bring its volunteers "within the clinics, departments of gynecology and obstetrics, in waiting rooms and lobbies of hospitals."
In Veneto is increasingly difficult to have an abortion. And 'the region at the second highest number of objectors of consciousness at the national level: 80.5% of the gynecologists, 47.7% of anesthesiologists, 45.4% of the non-medical data from 2003, but in the Veneto countryside would lead to peaks of 98% (the largest number Basilicata ). In Padova there are only three doctors who practice voluntary interruption of pregnancy. PDL # 3 attacks L. 194/78.
"For our body we decide!" Was reiterated by the voice-over, to the applause of women and men who were visiting Civitas.
for self-determination of women: less pro-life movement more women on the move!
Global Project Padova - Saturday, May 10, 2008
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