Petrobras announced on Friday that the drilling of two new wells on the coast of the Holy Spirit, confirmed the presence of oil better quality in the area called Parque das Baleias in the northern part of Campos Basin. Estimates of oil reserves are found between 1.5 and 2 billion barrels. The wells were drilled about 80 km from the coast and about 5 km from the well 1-ESS-103A, which already produces a large amount in September. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Parque das Baleias already totals 3.5 billion barrels of oil, including the results announced today, according to the calculations of Petrobras. In early September, the head of exploration and production of Petrobras in Espirito Santo, Márcio Félix Carvalho, had assessed the potential reserves of Parque das Baleias to 2 billion barrels. Known reserves are currently in Brazil are estimated at a total of about 14 billion barrels of oil and gas - not to mention the pre-sale.

discovery of the pre-sale
has doubled its oil reserves. "These are two huge pits, each with one billion barrels of oil quality," said Lobão, adding that with it the Brazilian oil reserves will be doubled.
To date, the Company had already made discoveries of pre-sale for a total of 12 billion barrels of oil in the Campos and Santos basins. With the two new wells on the coast of the Holy Spirit in Parque das Baleias, stocks of pre-sale will ensure 14 miliardi di barili. "E 'una scoperta importante della Petrobras, petrolio di ottima qualità," ha detto Lobão, aggiungendo che il potenziale del pre-sale è "ancora più grande". Solo nel bacino di Santos, vi è una valutazione che le riserve di pre-sale potrebbero essere superiori a 50 miliardi di barili.
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