Ulrike is a "mother" who diligently for several weeks following this blog. A mother a little 'special devouring the web with critical intelligence worthy of a scientist. He suggests valuable references, analysis is that no one dares to imagine a science journalist in Italy, in short, a "mother" of those that when you go to a doctor ... it simply says "I've read on the internet", but cites literature sources, analyzes and mastered in such a way that ... one can only try ... sincere human solidarity for the "doctor" (certainly can not afford to "liquidate" with some nonsense of fact!)
course Ulrike immediately read our analysis on the Italian response to the pandemic ( Nostalgia Topo Gigio? Pinocchio A consolation ). He immediately started to make his checks, and within 24 hours sent us a document epidemiological observatory field that we missed: dated 2 December 2009. Ulrike actually forwarded it to us exactly when it came out on the web and that is December 4, 2009.
I'll be back later on this important document. But first Ulrike want to talk about. Some aspects that make her story emblematic (though in true sense of the meaning of the word "contrast") of what is happening in Italy.
Austrian Ulrike is 20 years and moved to Italy.
The first time I read his comment I had the chills. Like any good Sicilian
fact when I read a German surname that stuff. I omit to tell you why, I tell you just to care for these "prejudices" regularly read a short story by Doyle ("Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" from "57% Irish" Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007) strongly suggest that all unacknowledged racist (I'm not the first Sicilian racist towards a German surname).
And then a German last name with the mind inevitably leads me to the alternative medicine homeopathy ... ... the battle "antagonistic" to squalene
... So if a German Sicilians are all a bit '... or almost, for a Sicilian Germans are all a bit '... or so and more also "homeopathic."
First surprise: Ulrike studied the Nuremberg Code, read what they write American epidemiologists Jeffersson Tom and his "analysis", has analyzed the history of the buffalo WHO with a competence to be true "scientific investigator".
Ulrike few years, from his experience as a mother, began to treat the beautiful web pages breastfeeding.
pages maintained by a mother, with real powers of a mother who breastfed (if pediatricians Sicilians knew a penny to send this communication we would not have to Sicily the rate of breastfeeding than we have and I am ashamed to say) .
Second surprise: Ulrike ends in dealing with breastfeeding World vaccinations
Read his words:
"In early 2002, I was accidentally involved in a discussion on vaccination that took place in my Yahoo group. Until then, the topic does not interest me in the least, usually not even open my messages about this issue. During this discussion I was struck by the aggressive reaction to my post which were mere information that I found on the WHO web site. This made me curious and I wanted to see clearly. I was appalled by the misinformation that was circulating on vaccinations. I also noticed with horror that their environment is the promotion of a strong current anti-vaccination. Of course not all people who promote breastfeeding, are contrary to vaccinations, but many are. Evidently the word "natural" is an important feature of breastfeeding, is traded for quality assurance and then applied to things which in fact the "natural" has nothing positive. Even cancer, diabetes, allergies, earthquakes ... are perfectly natural, but man does not have anything positive. Instead, the houses, umbrellas, insulin (produced by), operations, antihistamines, anti-earthquake construction ... are the creation of man (not "natural") but are positive for the man ... "
" When I saw that often promote breastfeeding means almost inevitably aprire una porticina alla pericolosa disinformazione degli anti-vaccinisti, ho pensato che far presente la mia preoccupazione, fosse la cosa più urgente da fare. Per me era inaccettabile che gli stessi bambini che con la promozione dell'allattamento vengono salvaguardati dalla disinformazione riguardo l'allattamento, vengono esposti a pericoli ben maggiori, se non vengono vaccinati perché le loro mamme pensano che i vaccini siano più pericolosi delle malattie contro cui sono dirette"
Trovo queste parole la più bella risposta all'ignobile comportamento delle società scientifiche pediatriche italiane che stanno cavalcando in questi giorni il "facile successo" di comunicazione derived from amplification of their anti-vaccination message.
Cultural Association Pediatricians, for example, that continues to ignore our words should be read before you watch Ulrike official data Campania epidemiological observatory that has left us and now we transfer here without comment (we will be back soon) :


the name is fantastic vaccine ... YES!
Obviously, his is also our Blog: The blog of the mothers really contrast, mothers who are fighting for the health of their children and antagonism against the ruling of the useful idiots.
Salvo Fedele

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