Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pokemon Chaos Black Gameshark

human waste

The slaves on rubbish

Moroccan workers employed to separate plastic and glass from the garbage. With bare hands and under the sun, surrounded by a mountain of waste. And of course it is forbidden to complain, on pain of dismissal. The "factory", owned by Star reciclyng, was discovered on the outskirts of Padova. The CGIL is seeking the suspension of the activity ( Canetta Sebastian, Ernesto Milanesi )

Korogocho in the heart of the industrial area of \u200b\u200bPadua. Picture - that of the slums of Nairobi - stridently effective model of the Northeast. The landfill among the warehouses, where the work has no roof or law. And 'the last frontier of the Veneto, where garbage and live up to having non-confusing. And 'the Star Recycling Course France, where yesterday morning a blitz of the PRC Communist Workers in Action ripped through a commonly accepted reality. Moroccan women, with and without a veil, kneeling among the waste. Practically reduced to a condition of slavery. Forced to separate mountains of garbage with bare hands, under the summer heat. No protection, complaint or protest, punishment il licenziamento in tronco.

Al di là di ogni immaginazione per Padova che si considera una città europea civile. Eppure accade in piena zona industriale, dove il presidente del consorzio Zip Angelo Boschetti progetta torri della ricerca pediatrica, asili infantili, parchi senza vedere dietro la facciata. Un angolo di vergogna, un emblematico luogo produttivo, una terrificante "fabbrica" del Duemila. La Star Recycling è l'altra faccia della speculazione urbanistica e immobiliare nella Zip: l'ha denunciata l'associazione dei costruttori, puntando l'indice perfino contro il sindaco Flavio Zanonato. Mezzo secolo fa, era pura campagna: i contadini furono espropriati grazie ai manganelli della Celere, perché Padova aveva bisogno di una zona industriale simile a Marghera. Oggi la Zip (scaduta la legge nazionale che la istituiva) sopravvive con il vetrocemento direzionale, i capannoni che diventano locali notturni e la produzione industriale che lascia il posto ai servizi. Come quelli della Star Recycling.

La Korogocho in salsa padovana l'hanno scoperta ieri pomeriggio i lavoratori di Workers in Action e gli esponenti locali di Rifondazione, svelando le condizioni subumane di venti lavoratrici immigrate. La ricicleria della Zip era parzialmente bruciata il 10 maggio scorso. Dall'incendio si era salvata solo mezza fabbrica: spazio più che sufficiente per mettere ai lavori forzati il pugno di dipendenti della cooperativa Centro Lavoro.

Padova, capitale della raccolta waste that travels to 43 percent, disposes of the waste to the African rhythm Bavarian price: from the working conditions imposed by the last link in the chain of blackmail 'rubbish'. The weakest, the least visible. "A gruesome scene - reveals Daniela Ruffini, Councillor Immigration - Slave bent over piles of garbage bags specially dismembered. Never seen such a thing, except in Kenya. " Then suddenly face to face with Samuel Piazza, managing director of Star reciclying. Warned by the faithful Kapo (among them a Moroccan) has tried to dismiss the gate witnesses exploitation. Eyes uncomfortable, such as media and System Of A Down, Head work of the PRC in Padua. "It 'good that everyone knows how to work in this company - he explains - The Star Recycling should wait for the reactivation of the machinery for separation before resuming activities." But time is money, and the hunt for plastic, paper and cans had been entrusted to the army quietly made available by the Centre Co-operative Work. Subbappalto last piece of the show which is headed by Project Environment Safeguarding Spa owners of the recycling center Monselice (other system that works with North African arms) the company has entrusted the collection to Work Service, which, in turn, has " Turn "in Center work. Contract to contract. Now the ball is passed to the CGIL. I trade unionists have called for the discontinuation of recycling to the accommodation 'structural' company. It warned: "We do not accept tips: If you block the Star Recycling will continue to provide salary to the workers - points to the CGIL - Up to the inclusion of the twenty employees on the payroll of the parent, not one of the many co-operatives. Also because many workers have been laid off several times and summarized. In other words, they continued to make contributions even when not working. "

addition to the damage, the prank. Yet it would be enough to look a few miles further north, close to the recycle of Vedelago in Treviso. Where workers are hired directly by the operator plant. Base pay: € 1,400 per month.

(poster, 7/12/2008)


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