On a given, all Recent statistics on the Italian labor market converge: the exponential growth of part-time, which in 2007 increased by 3.6% over the previous year. A choice suffered by the vast majority of workers involved (of 116 000 new jobs in 2007, well 70 000 are part-time). For the company instead, a subsidiary of blackmail, powered by the tax exemption of overtime hours and 'extra time, which was launched by the government. What interest would have to have a company to turn part-time to full-time - as he would like about half of women working part time, according to ISTAT - where can safely benefit from additional time (hours worked in più) detassato? ( Sara Farolfi )
E non c'è solo il part time. I provvedimenti del governo incentivano di fatto i differenziali salariali già esistenti tra uomini e donne (le donne guadagnano circa il 25% in meno, secondo l'Isfol) e accentuano le discriminazioni dirette e indirette nei luoghi di lavoro. Come altrimenti spiegare l' abrogazione della legge sulle dimissioni in bianco ? Una pratica diffusissima, soprattutto nelle piccole e piccolissime imprese (che costituiscono il nerbo del nostro sistema produttivo), che consiste nel fare firmare alle donne, all'atto dell'assunzione, una lettera di dimissioni senza data, opportunamente tirata fuori in caso di gravidanza o al rientro della motherhood.
Other than the Lisbon objectives, to which Italy has acceded, and he would like the female employment rate to 60% by 2010. In 2007 the average employment rate for women stood at 46.7%, against a European average of 58.3%. Even when access to employment for women are lower wages and worse treatment. So a request to meet government and parliament has been advanced by a substantial row of leaders Fiom and Fim, to say the "very strong concern for the future of women's employment that we, as union members, compared with the maneuver that is looming."
Part time, not just resign and white. The tax relief premiums on a personal business discriminates against women in particular, often do not, write the letter, the union members. The extensive deregulation in terms of schedules, rosters and weekly rest, which will lead to an increase in average hourly tend to impede the expansion of employment and particularly for women, already far below the Lisbon targets. Again, the absence of a recovery plan for early childhood services, cuts in public finance, school and local government, public services still compress, with an additional burden of caring responsibilities that fall mainly on women .
works part-time, according to Istat, the 13.6% of employment. Four out of five employees (78%) are women. 27% of employed part time contracts. Many work in retail, with a weekly schedule that goes from 16 to 22 hours. "In 95% of cases," no doubt Maffellotti Dora, Filcams secretary of Milan and Lombardy: a part-time to 16 hours mean a salary of 450 euro per month. A partial liberalization of the part-time had already been made by the previous Berlusconi government. By abolishing the recruitment part time at set times, and introducing the clauses with flexible and elastic. It 's the so-called extra time, so a company with a notice of forty-eight hours, the worker can communicate the changes (or elongation) of working time. "Reducing taxes those extra hours - Dora ends - means aggravate the possibility for workers to leave the constant blackmail."
(poster, 7/19/2008)
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