Saturday, November 22, 2008

Upscale Bathroom Accessories

protest against male violence

In Rome, the march organized by the National Network of feminists and lesbians

In protest against male violence. Several thousand people gathered today in Rome for the march organized by the National Network of feminists and lesbians. According to the data International Women's House in Rome and Bologna, in Italy every three days a woman dies of violence suffered by a man. In particular, in 2007, 126 women were killed: 44 by husbands, boyfriends or partners from 11, nine from former husbands and former boyfriends, ten and 14 sons by unknown. Data that are added to those of Istat survey last year, according to which nearly seven million women were victims of violence. The majority (more than six million) have been assaulted by their partners.

The event, which precedes the World Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, November 25, was also the occasion to protest against the prostitution bill signed by the Minister Carfagna ("criminalizza le prostitute ed impone regole di condotta per tutte; invece siamo tutte indecorosamente libere") e contro il progetto di scuola del ministro Gelmini ("autoritario e razzista"). Il corteo è partito intorno alle 15 da piazza della Repubblica e si è diretto verso piazza Navona, attraversando le vie del centro. "Indecorose e libere contro la violenza maschile", era scritto sullo striscione di testa. E sugli altri: "Cenerentola, Biancaneve e Barbablù c'erano una volta... e adesso non li vogliamo più", "Nella casa del 'Mulino' si nasconde l'assassino", "Ma non lo puoi usare solo per pisciare?".

Il corteo era diviso in spezzoni: femministe, lesbiche e centri antiviolenza. Gli men, whose presence was strongly contested by some demonstrators during the national mobilization that took place on November 27 last year, are in the queue.

(, November 22, 2008)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dark Highlights For Brown Hair

procession of women self-organized in Rome, 22/11 From

In preparation for the November 22, 2008 , Piazza della Repubblica, 14.00

Male violence is the leading cause of death and permanent disability of women in Italy and elsewhere in the world. Violence is part of our daily lives and expresses itself through the denial of our rights, violations of our bodies, the silence. One year

fa siamo scese in piazza in 150.000 donne, femministe e lesbiche per dire NO alla VIOLENZA MASCHILE e ai tentativi di strumentalizzare la violenza sulle donne, da parte di governi e partiti, per legittimare politiche securitarie e repressive e torneremo in piazza anche quest’anno perché i governi cambiano ma le politiche restano uguali e, al giorno d’oggi, peggiorano.

In un anno gli attacchi alla nostra libertà e autodeterminazione sono aumentati esponenzialmente, mettendo in luce la deriva autoritaria,sessista, e razzista del nostro paese. Ricordiamo il blitz della polizia al policlinico di Napoli per il presunto aborto illegale, le aggressioni contro lesbiche, omosessuali e trans,contro immigrate/i e cittadine/i di seconda generation. Violence legitimized and encouraged by governments and mayors, sheriffs who want to impose standardized patterns of behavior in the name of "decorum" and "dignity" allowing us to freely choose how to conduct our lives.

Male violence has many faces, and one of them is institutional: they would like to solve the economic crisis we are experiencing cultural and dismantling the welfare state. To save the banks, refinance military missions abroad and the militarization of our cities cut funds to anti-violence centers, and counseling to all services that provide freedom for women, health and independence. By Act 133

cut funds to the Public schools and universities to deliver education in private hands will end the right to free education and free for all / i.

With the Gelmini decree, thousands of teachers, poor teachers, they lose their jobs, and is not an educational system - full time - which supports women, allowing them greater freedom of movement and autonomy.

The aim of the reforms in labor, health, schools and universities is to make us ever more precarious and less guaranteed: wives and mothers "respectable" locked in the home, economically dependent on a man, working for free to watch for elderly and children.

We will not pay for your crisis!

We want to react to the physical, psychological, economic, regulatory, social and religious acted toward us, in the family and outside, "only" because we say enough to donne.Vogliamo femicide. Saturday, November 22


to reiterate with the same force, and radical autonomy that male violence has no class or boundaries, birth in the family, within the home, and NOT A PROBLEM FOR PUBLIC POLICY AND MA 'A QUESTION OF CULTURAL AND POLITICAL ORDER!

Carfagna to the bill, which criminalizes the prostitutes and imposes rules of conduct for all who want to divide us into good and bad, holy and whores in the victims and perpetrators, we answer that unseemly WE ALL FREE!

the Gelmini decree that prepares a school authoritarian and racist, we answer that WE ALL 5 IN ACTION!

packages xenophobic and safety standards that we want to distinguish in the city / s with and without rights, we say that WE ARE ALL CITIZENS OF THE WORLD AND GO WHERE THERE SEEMS!

Riots - National Network of feminists and lesbians

for membership: