Saturday, November 22, 2008

Upscale Bathroom Accessories

protest against male violence

In Rome, the march organized by the National Network of feminists and lesbians

In protest against male violence. Several thousand people gathered today in Rome for the march organized by the National Network of feminists and lesbians. According to the data International Women's House in Rome and Bologna, in Italy every three days a woman dies of violence suffered by a man. In particular, in 2007, 126 women were killed: 44 by husbands, boyfriends or partners from 11, nine from former husbands and former boyfriends, ten and 14 sons by unknown. Data that are added to those of Istat survey last year, according to which nearly seven million women were victims of violence. The majority (more than six million) have been assaulted by their partners.

The event, which precedes the World Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, November 25, was also the occasion to protest against the prostitution bill signed by the Minister Carfagna ("criminalizza le prostitute ed impone regole di condotta per tutte; invece siamo tutte indecorosamente libere") e contro il progetto di scuola del ministro Gelmini ("autoritario e razzista"). Il corteo è partito intorno alle 15 da piazza della Repubblica e si è diretto verso piazza Navona, attraversando le vie del centro. "Indecorose e libere contro la violenza maschile", era scritto sullo striscione di testa. E sugli altri: "Cenerentola, Biancaneve e Barbablù c'erano una volta... e adesso non li vogliamo più", "Nella casa del 'Mulino' si nasconde l'assassino", "Ma non lo puoi usare solo per pisciare?".

Il corteo era diviso in spezzoni: femministe, lesbiche e centri antiviolenza. Gli men, whose presence was strongly contested by some demonstrators during the national mobilization that took place on November 27 last year, are in the queue.

(, November 22, 2008)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dark Highlights For Brown Hair

procession of women self-organized in Rome, 22/11 From

In preparation for the November 22, 2008 , Piazza della Repubblica, 14.00

Male violence is the leading cause of death and permanent disability of women in Italy and elsewhere in the world. Violence is part of our daily lives and expresses itself through the denial of our rights, violations of our bodies, the silence. One year

fa siamo scese in piazza in 150.000 donne, femministe e lesbiche per dire NO alla VIOLENZA MASCHILE e ai tentativi di strumentalizzare la violenza sulle donne, da parte di governi e partiti, per legittimare politiche securitarie e repressive e torneremo in piazza anche quest’anno perché i governi cambiano ma le politiche restano uguali e, al giorno d’oggi, peggiorano.

In un anno gli attacchi alla nostra libertà e autodeterminazione sono aumentati esponenzialmente, mettendo in luce la deriva autoritaria,sessista, e razzista del nostro paese. Ricordiamo il blitz della polizia al policlinico di Napoli per il presunto aborto illegale, le aggressioni contro lesbiche, omosessuali e trans,contro immigrate/i e cittadine/i di seconda generation. Violence legitimized and encouraged by governments and mayors, sheriffs who want to impose standardized patterns of behavior in the name of "decorum" and "dignity" allowing us to freely choose how to conduct our lives.

Male violence has many faces, and one of them is institutional: they would like to solve the economic crisis we are experiencing cultural and dismantling the welfare state. To save the banks, refinance military missions abroad and the militarization of our cities cut funds to anti-violence centers, and counseling to all services that provide freedom for women, health and independence. By Act 133

cut funds to the Public schools and universities to deliver education in private hands will end the right to free education and free for all / i.

With the Gelmini decree, thousands of teachers, poor teachers, they lose their jobs, and is not an educational system - full time - which supports women, allowing them greater freedom of movement and autonomy.

The aim of the reforms in labor, health, schools and universities is to make us ever more precarious and less guaranteed: wives and mothers "respectable" locked in the home, economically dependent on a man, working for free to watch for elderly and children.

We will not pay for your crisis!

We want to react to the physical, psychological, economic, regulatory, social and religious acted toward us, in the family and outside, "only" because we say enough to donne.Vogliamo femicide. Saturday, November 22


to reiterate with the same force, and radical autonomy that male violence has no class or boundaries, birth in the family, within the home, and NOT A PROBLEM FOR PUBLIC POLICY AND MA 'A QUESTION OF CULTURAL AND POLITICAL ORDER!

Carfagna to the bill, which criminalizes the prostitutes and imposes rules of conduct for all who want to divide us into good and bad, holy and whores in the victims and perpetrators, we answer that unseemly WE ALL FREE!

the Gelmini decree that prepares a school authoritarian and racist, we answer that WE ALL 5 IN ACTION!

packages xenophobic and safety standards that we want to distinguish in the city / s with and without rights, we say that WE ARE ALL CITIZENS OF THE WORLD AND GO WHERE THERE SEEMS!

Riots - National Network of feminists and lesbians

for membership:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Selena Gomez Masterbate

forced to part time blank resignations. Always discriminated

On a given, all Recent statistics on the Italian labor market converge: the exponential growth of part-time, which in 2007 increased by 3.6% over the previous year. A choice suffered by the vast majority of workers involved (of 116 000 new jobs in 2007, well 70 000 are part-time). For the company instead, a subsidiary of blackmail, powered by the tax exemption of overtime hours and 'extra time, which was launched by the government. What interest would have to have a company to turn part-time to full-time - as he would like about half of women working part time, according to ISTAT - where can safely benefit from additional time (hours worked in più) detassato? ( Sara Farolfi )

E non c'è solo il part time. I provvedimenti del governo incentivano di fatto i differenziali salariali già esistenti tra uomini e donne (le donne guadagnano circa il 25% in meno, secondo l'Isfol) e accentuano le discriminazioni dirette e indirette nei luoghi di lavoro. Come altrimenti spiegare l' abrogazione della legge sulle dimissioni in bianco ? Una pratica diffusissima, soprattutto nelle piccole e piccolissime imprese (che costituiscono il nerbo del nostro sistema produttivo), che consiste nel fare firmare alle donne, all'atto dell'assunzione, una lettera di dimissioni senza data, opportunamente tirata fuori in caso di gravidanza o al rientro della motherhood.

Other than the Lisbon objectives, to which Italy has acceded, and he would like the female employment rate to 60% by 2010. In 2007 the average employment rate for women stood at 46.7%, against a European average of 58.3%. Even when access to employment for women are lower wages and worse treatment. So a request to meet government and parliament has been advanced by a substantial row of leaders Fiom and Fim, to say the "very strong concern for the future of women's employment that we, as union members, compared with the maneuver that is looming."

Part time, not just resign and white. The tax relief premiums on a personal business discriminates against women in particular, often do not, write the letter, the union members. The extensive deregulation in terms of schedules, rosters and weekly rest, which will lead to an increase in average hourly tend to impede the expansion of employment and particularly for women, already far below the Lisbon targets. Again, the absence of a recovery plan for early childhood services, cuts in public finance, school and local government, public services still compress, with an additional burden of caring responsibilities that fall mainly on women .

works part-time, according to Istat, the 13.6% of employment. Four out of five employees (78%) are women. 27% of employed part time contracts. Many work in retail, with a weekly schedule that goes from 16 to 22 hours. "In 95% of cases," no doubt Maffellotti Dora, Filcams secretary of Milan and Lombardy: a part-time to 16 hours mean a salary of 450 euro per month. A partial liberalization of the part-time had already been made by the previous Berlusconi government. By abolishing the recruitment part time at set times, and introducing the clauses with flexible and elastic. It 's the so-called extra time, so a company with a notice of forty-eight hours, the worker can communicate the changes (or elongation) of working time. "Reducing taxes those extra hours - Dora ends - means aggravate the possibility for workers to leave the constant blackmail."

(poster, 7/19/2008)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pokemon Chaos Black Gameshark

human waste

The slaves on rubbish

Moroccan workers employed to separate plastic and glass from the garbage. With bare hands and under the sun, surrounded by a mountain of waste. And of course it is forbidden to complain, on pain of dismissal. The "factory", owned by Star reciclyng, was discovered on the outskirts of Padova. The CGIL is seeking the suspension of the activity ( Canetta Sebastian, Ernesto Milanesi )

Korogocho in the heart of the industrial area of \u200b\u200bPadua. Picture - that of the slums of Nairobi - stridently effective model of the Northeast. The landfill among the warehouses, where the work has no roof or law. And 'the last frontier of the Veneto, where garbage and live up to having non-confusing. And 'the Star Recycling Course France, where yesterday morning a blitz of the PRC Communist Workers in Action ripped through a commonly accepted reality. Moroccan women, with and without a veil, kneeling among the waste. Practically reduced to a condition of slavery. Forced to separate mountains of garbage with bare hands, under the summer heat. No protection, complaint or protest, punishment il licenziamento in tronco.

Al di là di ogni immaginazione per Padova che si considera una città europea civile. Eppure accade in piena zona industriale, dove il presidente del consorzio Zip Angelo Boschetti progetta torri della ricerca pediatrica, asili infantili, parchi senza vedere dietro la facciata. Un angolo di vergogna, un emblematico luogo produttivo, una terrificante "fabbrica" del Duemila. La Star Recycling è l'altra faccia della speculazione urbanistica e immobiliare nella Zip: l'ha denunciata l'associazione dei costruttori, puntando l'indice perfino contro il sindaco Flavio Zanonato. Mezzo secolo fa, era pura campagna: i contadini furono espropriati grazie ai manganelli della Celere, perché Padova aveva bisogno di una zona industriale simile a Marghera. Oggi la Zip (scaduta la legge nazionale che la istituiva) sopravvive con il vetrocemento direzionale, i capannoni che diventano locali notturni e la produzione industriale che lascia il posto ai servizi. Come quelli della Star Recycling.

La Korogocho in salsa padovana l'hanno scoperta ieri pomeriggio i lavoratori di Workers in Action e gli esponenti locali di Rifondazione, svelando le condizioni subumane di venti lavoratrici immigrate. La ricicleria della Zip era parzialmente bruciata il 10 maggio scorso. Dall'incendio si era salvata solo mezza fabbrica: spazio più che sufficiente per mettere ai lavori forzati il pugno di dipendenti della cooperativa Centro Lavoro.

Padova, capitale della raccolta waste that travels to 43 percent, disposes of the waste to the African rhythm Bavarian price: from the working conditions imposed by the last link in the chain of blackmail 'rubbish'. The weakest, the least visible. "A gruesome scene - reveals Daniela Ruffini, Councillor Immigration - Slave bent over piles of garbage bags specially dismembered. Never seen such a thing, except in Kenya. " Then suddenly face to face with Samuel Piazza, managing director of Star reciclying. Warned by the faithful Kapo (among them a Moroccan) has tried to dismiss the gate witnesses exploitation. Eyes uncomfortable, such as media and System Of A Down, Head work of the PRC in Padua. "It 'good that everyone knows how to work in this company - he explains - The Star Recycling should wait for the reactivation of the machinery for separation before resuming activities." But time is money, and the hunt for plastic, paper and cans had been entrusted to the army quietly made available by the Centre Co-operative Work. Subbappalto last piece of the show which is headed by Project Environment Safeguarding Spa owners of the recycling center Monselice (other system that works with North African arms) the company has entrusted the collection to Work Service, which, in turn, has " Turn "in Center work. Contract to contract. Now the ball is passed to the CGIL. I trade unionists have called for the discontinuation of recycling to the accommodation 'structural' company. It warned: "We do not accept tips: If you block the Star Recycling will continue to provide salary to the workers - points to the CGIL - Up to the inclusion of the twenty employees on the payroll of the parent, not one of the many co-operatives. Also because many workers have been laid off several times and summarized. In other words, they continued to make contributions even when not working. "

addition to the damage, the prank. Yet it would be enough to look a few miles further north, close to the recycle of Vedelago in Treviso. Where workers are hired directly by the operator plant. Base pay: € 1,400 per month.

(poster, 7/12/2008)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Should My Daughter Be Mastrabating


damage on human health

In this site you will find some news about the damage that ' electro-smog can lead to human health: electro
... and a list of instruments to measure the electro: instrumentation
... and the damage that the low frequency waves can cause ai bambini: Per l’esposizione alle basse frequenze...

In fondo alla pagina in questo link si trova la normativa sulle distanze di sicurezza dagli elettrodi: Normativa

Friday, May 30, 2008

Does La La Have Weave

Tasso di occupazione in Italia

Disoccupazione in calo in Italia, con un tasso che nel 2007 si è portato al 6,1 per cento (nel 2006 fu del 6,8), il livello più basso dal 1993. Resta forte il gap territoriale : al Sud la disoccupazione è ancora all'11,8 per cento (-0,3), while the North stood at 3.8. Concerned about the strong growth in the rate of inactivity (ie those not seeking employment), which in some areas of the South is 50 percent. To make it known is the Istat, which broadcasts the complete data collection of labor force in 2007. The analysis is divided into three chapters. We see them in detail.
employment rate.
is the ratio between the employed and the population aged 15 years and 64 years. In 2007, a slight increase, reaching 58.7 percent (+0.3 compared to 2006). As for the territories, there is some marginal changes only to the Centre and North, while the data remain unchanged for the South . In detail, Emilia-Romagna (70.3 percent), Valle d'Aosta (68.1) and Trentino-Alto Adige (68) topped the charts for both total employment for working women. The worst data concern Campania (43.7 percent), Sicily (44.6) and Calabria (44.9). In all southern regions, then the employment rates of women component was small and still below the national average . In Campania, Sicily, Puglia and Calabria the proportion of women between 15 and 64 years working ATE circa la metà di quella dell’Emilia-Romagna . Nel Mezzogiorno, solo l’Abruzzo, con il 71,4 per cento, manifesta un tasso di occupazione maschile superiore alla media (pari al 70,7 per cento). In Calabria, Campania e Sicilia sono occupati circa sei ogni dieci uomini tra i 15 e i 64 anni; in Emilia Romagna e Trentino-Alto Adige poco meno di otto.
Tasso di disoccupazione.
È il rapporto tra le persone in cerca di occupazione e la forza lavoro. Nella media del 2007 tale valore si posiziona al 6,1 per cento, 7 decimi di punto in meno in confronto al 2006. Nello stesso periodo, ricorda l'Istat, la media nell’Unione europea è risultata by 7.1 percent. The regions with the highest unemployment rate are Sicily (13.0 percent), Campania, Puglia and Calabria (11.2 percent), the lowest rate is found in Trentino-Alto Adige ( 2.7 per cent), Emilia-Romagna (2.9 percent) and Valle d'Aosta (3.2 percent). The fall of this value, the researchers point out, is not a reduction in regional disparities, which remain very large: in Sicily, for example, the indicator is almost five times higher than in Trentino Alto Adige. Compared with 2006, the regional ranking is unchanged. The breakdown by gender, the negative record is Sicily , sia per la componente maschile sia per quella femminile.
Tasso di inattività.
È la percentuale di popolazione che, pure in età da lavoro, è fuori dal mercato (per scelta o per mancanza di possibilità). Nel 2007 si è attestata al 37,5, due decimi di punto in più rispetto al 2006. Le regioni con il tasso più alto sono quelle meridionali, in cui alla discesa della disoccupazione si associa un aumento delle cosiddette "non forze di lavoro". In particolare, in Campania, Calabria e Sicilia sono inattive quasi cinque persone in età lavorativa su dieci . Le regioni in cui si registrano tassi d'inattività più bassi sono Emilia Romagna, Valle d'Aosta and Trentino Alto Adige. Compared with 2006, the increase of inactivity concerns primarily the Calabria and to a lesser extent, Campania and Basilicata. The inactivity of women is particularly high in the South, where it is still above 50 percent, with a peak of 67.3 in Campania, and is growing. Even for men the rates of inactivity in the southern parts are greater than the national average.
(from )

Monday, May 19, 2008

What Are The Best Stereo Receivers ?

More Women in Motion, less movement "for life"

Padova - objected to the pro-life movement in Civitas

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This afternoon [10.5 ] within Civitas, the annual fair of the third sector, the Women's Movement in Padua have "dismantled" the stand of the pro-life movement. A score of women are meeting in front of the stand of the MPV. From the megaphone was pointed to the bill in the next regional council discussion. The gadgets have been packaged, the burst balloons and posters removed from the walls. In their place two banners that read: "Objective objectors" - "More Women in Motion, less pro-life movement."

is not the first time that women in the movement from Veneto are mobilizing against the PDL # 3. The bill sought by antiaborista Popular Movement for Life presented to the Veneto Regional Council wants to bring its volunteers "within the clinics, departments of gynecology and obstetrics, in waiting rooms and lobbies of hospitals."

In Veneto is increasingly difficult to have an abortion. And 'the region at the second highest number of objectors of consciousness at the national level: 80.5% of the gynecologists, 47.7% of anesthesiologists, 45.4% of the non-medical data from 2003, but in the Veneto countryside would lead to peaks of 98% (the largest number Basilicata ). In Padova there are only three doctors who practice voluntary interruption of pregnancy. PDL # 3 attacks L. 194/78.

"For our body we decide!" Was reiterated by the voice-over, to the applause of women and men who were visiting Civitas.

for self-determination of women: less pro-life movement more women on the move!


Global Project Padova - Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Restorable Old Cudas For Sale

Act 40, the pre-implantation diagnosis

Come the new guidelines on fertility treatment. Against outgoing Minister Livia Turkish occurs in the majority "One institutional rudeness" (I . B).

A "political snub 'at the end of term, a" perversion of the law, "a" poisoned arrow. " Pdl, Lega and UDC also occur in unison: the new lines on medically assisted procreation in the Decree signed on 11 April by outgoing Health Minister Livia Turkish and yesterday in the official gazette, should be modified by the new government, is the message. But for the moment, the text of Law 40 on the basis of updated several judgments of the judiciary, including that of October 2007 which annulled the TAR of Lazio vires some parts of the previous guidelines, eliminates the prohibition on pre-implantation embryo diagnosis. It allows the use of assisted reproductive technologies including couples in which man is a carrier of viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B and C.

"We have given an answer - Livia says Turkish - to those who, operators and citizens, called for clarity on the possibility of preimplantation diagnosis, explaining that the guidelines, as such, can not provide for prohibitions that are not already covered by the law itself '. And, adds the almost former minister, "was incorporated as required by law, with the help of the Higher Institute of Health, the opinion of the Board of Health with all the particulars. " Including those which invited "to implement the psychological support to women and couples access to assisted reproductive technologies before, during and after applying the techniques or following the failure of the same."

Pending a ruling that even the Constitutional Court, the associations Amica Cicogna, Stork and The Other Mother tube appreciate this step, however, hoping that 40 will be reopened on the parliamentary debates to a new law. Although, given the comments of those from the beyond the majority and thunders against the "eugenic drift" of the ministerial decree, not pulling air improvements. Indeed. Comment positively to the new guidelines also Carlo Flamigni, professor of gynecology at the University of Bologna, is warns that the "weakness" of the obligation to fertilize only three embryos per cycle, which "reduces the space for a pre-implantation diagnosis that has a real chance of success and an opportunity to achieve a pregnancy, "because" in the case of couples with genetic disorders is high probability that at least one embryo is 'sick', and it is said to be formed, however, three embryos '. For the radical Silvio Viale, ginecologo, «le linee guida non sono nulla di rivoluzionario, non modificano una legge ingiusta ma correggono alcune cattiverie non previste nemmeno dalla legge» e tra le tante dichiarazioni contrarie, «stupisce il silenzio dei laici del Pdl, assordante e poco onorevole».

Si fanno sentire invece gli ultrà cattolici del Pd, come i teodem Paola Binetti e Emanuela Baio Dossi che, chiedendo di «chiarire dal punto di vista scientifico e etico cosa si intende per selezione eugenetica», sostengono che «la diagnosi preimpianto sull'embrione appare in contraddizione con la ratio dell'articolo 1 della legge 40. Questa diagnosi permette indirettamente test genetici non osservazionali. Si potranno così prelevare cellule dall'embrione, damage. Not only that, you distort the purpose of the law that aims to respond to the desire for parenthood of infertile couples, or infertile. The new guidelines it is as if they made hereditary sterility, with no face and solve. " Shoot to zero, then the association Science and Life that at the time headed by the same Binetti, was a major sponsor - with Camillo Ruini - abstention in the referendum on assisted procreation, "After defending the law 40 squares and neglecting to vote, we could all respects except that we must defend by a minister of the republic. A minister on this occasion showed his whole face and illiberal arrogant and has openly contradicted the outcome of the referendum. " And it also looks at the life science and new government and ordered: "It must now restore the legitimacy of the referendum result."

(poster, 01/05/2008)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Meat Increases Testosterone

Italy among the last to 1.29 children per woman fertility

Strong increase in foreign born: from 1, 7 of '95 to 11%, 4% in 2007. Italian, active demographic balance in a child in 10 is the son of immigrants. The expert: "The 40 law on assisted reproduction has not improved the situation. In just four years after the entry into force, the number of births decreased by 2.78%. Italian, active demographic balance in a child in 10 is the son of immigrants "The Italian

are fewer and fewer children, but the national demographic balance is positive, the high birth rate of foreign nationals. E ', in fact, the son of an immigrant child of ten, while foreigners account for 5 percent of the Italian population. And 'what emerges from a study of the Artes Centre of Turin, which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in couples, which drew up the official ISTAT data, WHO (World Health Organization) and the 2007 CIA estimates (CIA World Factbook) . The latest statistics place our country among the last to fertility rate, with a value for 2007 of 1.29 children per woman. A phenomenon common to almost all industrialized countries, but none has evolved so marked as in Italy. The fertility rate in the 15 EU countries between 1960 and 2007 fell from 2.59 to 1.50 children per woman, while in Italy has almost halved (from 2.41 to 1, 29). "The decline of births in Italy is an obvious fact - said Alessandro Di Gregorio, Director of the Artes of Turin - also because of an evolution of society that has moved forward about 35 years, the average age of women who choose to become mothers. The difficulties in getting pregnant, then increase and the introduction of Law 40 (editor's note on fertility treatment), did not improve the situation. In just four years after the entry into force, the births are decreased by 2.78%. Not to mention the other serious consequences, has quadrupled the number of couples who, with the hope of conceiving a child, have traveled abroad (+200) and multiple pregnancies increased from 16% to 23%, with consequent risks to the health of fetuses, which may lead to neonatal death to prematurity. "Cala, then, the number of births in Italy (519,731 in 2004 and 505,202 in 2007, well in 14,528 births minus) while that of a registered foreign born strong increase (from 48,925 in 2004 to 57,925 in 2007 with the balance, born +8840). In addition, the average annual growth rate of foreigners is estimated to Caritas-Migrantes, is approximately 325 000, which leads to the hypothesis more than a doubling of the immigrant population here in 10 years: Given that the rate of growth of the foreign population does not seem to tend to decrease in 2050 the immigrants will account for 17 to 20% of the population.

The Italian population, in January 2007 was 59,157,091 persons (Istat). Legal immigrants in Italy are so close to 5% of the population. The incidence of births of foreign children in the total Italian population has increased from just over 9 thousand (1.7%) in 1995 to 11, 4% in 2007. "The Italian fertility decline is a cause for concern - Di Gregorio continues - for this reason, along with many other gynecologists who share my thoughts, I ask the new government to act clearly and decisively once and for all on the Law 40, which effectively blocks the development of medicine and prevents conception in couples who find it difficult to dream, to hope again. A law that takes us back to the Middle Ages. "In Italy, according to Istat, 2005, the fertility rate is much higher in Trentino Alto Adige (1.54 in 2005) than the national average. The figure of the Veneto region (1, 35) Instead, it is just above it, while the Friuli Venezia Giulia, which stood for many years even to less than 1, there always remains the region with the lowest fertility rate (1.23 in 2005) .

(, April 26, 2008)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hazing In Fraternities Blog

With abortion went so

Thirty years ago the decisive session of the House for approval 194. Both of the Senate comes just nine days after the assassination of Aldo Moro. With the exchange of votes and abstentions between PCI and DC wears the killing of a law. Women's anger explodes. ( Eleonora Martini )

"There are laws that mark more than others or more immediate daily life, which change the quality, so to speak. The law last night the Senate has finally approved by 160 votes to 148, is certainly one of them. "

On May 19, 1978 Miriam Mafai announces that the first page of La Repubblica the launch of the final Act 194 with which Italy legalizes abortion. Il Corriere della Sera headline instead: "Law is necessary, painful choices." With the Senate so it ends - at least so it seemed at the time - after years of battles and political and cultural clashes. A climate that has recently become very harmful to the path of "historic compromise" which is being initiated with the Christian Democrats and Communists morotei berlingueriani. The situation then drops when the Red Brigades kidnapped and killed, May 9, the president of the Christian Democrats, Aldo Moro. It goes without saying that when the text of the law comes to the Senate, just nine days after that tragic event, voting slips away without much debate and emozioni.

Ma la vera partita si è già giocata il 14 aprile alla Camera, con una lunga e sofferta seduta. «Pci e Dc si scambiano voti e astensioni e concordano il massacro della legge. La ritirata radicale», è il titolo d'apertura del manifesto, il giorno dopo. Sono passati esattamente trent'anni e vale la pena oggi ripercorrere - a grandi linee - quei giorni, per interrogarsi su cosa abbia rappresentato davvero quel voto del '78 e su come si sia giunti alla formulazione di una legge entrata talmente nella nostra consuetudine da essere semplicemente chiamata «la 194».

Mentre già dal 1973 in Parlamento venivano presentate le prime proposte di legge in materia, come quella del deputato socialista Loris Fortuna, the feminist movement overcoming internal divisions and splits instead fights for the legalization of abortion but not for its decriminalization. For a form on which to conclude that the intervention abortion like any other medical treatment to be rendered to those in need. Then in '75, are particularly stir the arrests of the Secretary Gianfranco Spadaccia radical, accused of organizing illegal abortions in a clinic in Florence, and I militants Adele and Emma Bonino, who autodenunciano. And while the columns of the Corriere della Sera Pier Paolo Pasolini is morally opposed to abortion, the Express, along with the extra-parliamentary left, began a campaign for a referendum. But the real news arrives, again in '75, with a ruling by the Constitutional Court declaring abortion illegal punishment when it is a threat to women's health and calls on the government to legislate on the basis that "it can not be conceived at a total head and absolute "than the woman's body. So we arrive at April 14, 1978, when the House votes to put the text of the 194. The session lasts for 36 hours without interruption due to obstruction of the Radicals, with MPs forced to spend the night here, "camping out" between the benches, as the chronicles of the time. A deadlock, we think the president Pietro Ingrao, convened a meeting in his office with team leaders and find agreement with the Radicals: end obstruction and in return, the referendum on public financing to political parties in June, will add a question to repeal the law on the Royal Arms. The 194 goes well with 308 votes: those of the PCI, PSI, PSDI, PRI, PLI, and a group of Democrats. 275 deputies voted against: almost all the Democrats, the Radicals, the MSI, the Pdup-Dp.

The text adopted is seriously worse than the original, developed since January '77 by a joint parliamentary committee and cross that had been given the task of finding a happy synthesis of all the bills submitted so far. Then, the law was approved by the same benches with the votes of the extreme left, but then was rejected in the Senate. In one year, but much has changed, especially in recent months: the March 16 Br Aldo Moro kidnap and kill the five men of his escort. That morning the House was expected vote of confidence in the government Andreotti V, who resigned on March 11 because the Communist Party had withdrawn support from outside and asked to enter the government. On 9 May, 55 days after opening a deep debate among Italians, is recovered via Caetani in the body of Aldo Moro. On 16 May the government of one color Andreotti regains the confidence vote with the Communists and Socialists. Even the final approval of the 194 seals in the Senate in some ways a new-found "national solidarity".

Law But it ends up frustrating a bit 'all. The Christian Democrats, agreeing to withdraw any clause that characterize abortion as a crime, incurring the wrath of the Vatican. And women EDU "shouted their anger at Parliament for the massacre of the original text," writes the poster. Two articles in particular claims, 5 and 12, amended by the DC in a pejorative sense. The first is that the doctor or the clinic in preliminary talks involving the father of the unborn, "where she permits it." The second procedure provides a more restrictive for minors 18 years and raises the age limit for self-determination (in the original text was 16). Also opposed is Article 9 objectors consciousness of thought for those who are already health profession might feel compelled to "suffer" a rule contrary to their morals.

Thirty years later, upset the political landscape and social change characters, roles and deployments are redrawn, but the woman's body remains the preferred ground on which to play elsewhere.

(poster, 4/13/2008)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Isabella Saprano Bunny Ranch

Bologna - In migliaia cacciano Giuliano Ferrara da P.zza Maggiore

Giuliano Ferrara è stato costretto a interrompere il comizio elettorale da una determinata e rumorosa contestazione. Le pesanti cariche della polizia non hanno impedito alle donne e agli uomini di riprendersi la piazza e conquistare il palco da cui è stato ribadito il diritto all’autodeterminazione e il rifiuto di ogni tentativo di control and criminalization of women's choices over their lives.


This afternoon, thousands of women and men, particularly girls, have prevented Giuliano Ferrara to play a regular campaign rally for the list "Abortion? No, thank you. " The / demonstrators have set up a noisy protest near the stage where the rally was held in a piazza Maggiore reinforced by police and cordoned off.

When Giuliano Ferrara took the word was struck by a chorus of whistles and trips that claimed the right to self-women, covering his ravings. A roll of vegetables and eggs, Ferrara responded insulting / demonstrators and in turn raising objects from the stage, while the police using force and batons tried to disperse the people who continued to shout and whistle. The editor of Il Foglio was then forced to leave the stage. When the protesters chased the continuing dispute determined, the police charged heavily causing several injuries.

Subsequently, the garrison with hundreds of other people with the sound system of social space and the Network for autoderminazione, which was taking place parallel to the protest in Piazza Nettuno, has exceeded the barrier of fences and police and who had met in Piazza Maggiore.

A great crowd of women and men was then taken back in Piazza Maggiore, is directed towards conquering the stage, raising the roof with the election symbols and putting up the banner "Get out of your control our bodies." They then followed a series of interventions that have confirmed that the 194 does not touch, that freedom of speech of the list of Ferrara will never erase the freedom of choice of each and everyone and re-launched the fight against any attempt to normalize behavior and control bodies.

The voice of the protagonists: [audio o1] [o2 audio] [audio o3]

Read the appeal

Press Agency , Photo The Rest of , Photo The Zic

Global Project Bologna

Friday, March 28, 2008

Souvenir For 70th Birthday Party

Sommosse di Torino contro Giuliano Ferrara

Coordination of Women "Riots-Torino" this afternoon, March 27, gave birth to a spontaneous garrison in Piazza Castello, the last stop in time order of presentation of the voter list of Ferrara "abortion? no thanks."

In a square reinforced to ensure the holding of a meeting that is actually configured as a press conference just over 15 minutes on the total absence of public (to avoid confrontation with the empty square and hostile Ferrara has avoided the stage already set up and is holed up in the arcades with only the journalists and the spare) have once more demonstrated, as has already happened in other cities, that the only to have the right to speak and decide on the female body are women and that will not tolerate election campaigns play on our lives.

's attempt to gain consensus Ferrara proved in vain if it were not for the attention that is bestowed by the media are always ready to pay attention even to a meeting does not exist.

the empty stage of Ferrara and "his" deserted square, we oppose the route of self-determination that many feminists and lesbians are building and led to large protests in recent months, from November 24 to March 8 in all cities: Turin our streets were filled with 10,000 bodies and voices that can not be silenced by din bulky characters who are trying to invade our lives.

Today, despite the rain and despite the arrogant attitude of the police, we cried a lot in Ferrara on motherhood, contraception, abortion, the choice is ours and we do not tolerate electoral manipulation and dictates from anybody!

below the flyer distributed, x contact 3488528337, 3405247864.


In 1978, after years of struggle for self-determination of women, is passed Law 194 to regulate abortions. The 194 is a victory for women who see finally given the opportunity to decide for themselves on their body without having to stake their lives on the plank of an illegal practice, but in general it is a victory for all of us who believe that decide on sexuality and the most intimate aspects of life should not be the church hierarchy.

This law is a first step and minimum (which in reality very few have followed) to recognize women a different role in society, freeing role from the one in which for years has been relegated: to have children regardless of their wishes. In all these years, attacks on freedom of women to decide on their body they have not disappeared. We thought the church hierarchy, the groups of "extremists for life", such as clerical-fascists of the "pro-life movement," which have subtly slipped in hospitals and clinics and, with farcical instruments of disinformation have always implemented a work of guilt and intimidation against women who, having to resort to an abortion, found themselves in a situation even more difficult and painful.

In recent years, however, the political landscape has turned a loro favore, trovando appoggio in una trasversale presenza fondamentalista-cattolica all'interno di ogni schieramento politico; dalle dame in cilicio del centro-sinistra al buon vecchio Bondi, si è innescata una corsa al compiacere le sempre più retrograde volontà vaticane: passando da una legge del tutto insensata sulla fecondazione assistita, attraverso l'impossibilità di riconoscere le coppie la cui sessualità non è conforme ai canoni cattolici, si è giunti alla sferzata finale sull'onda della provocatoria, quanto opportunistica, "moratoria sulla pena d'aborto" proposta da Giuliano Ferrara.

Nella sua proposta Ferrara definisce la pratica dell'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza "un fenomeno mostruoso quantity and genocide, as an aberrant phenomenon for sexist and racist eugenics, a systematic ethnic cleansing, violent suppression of human beings conceived as a means of family planning and eugenics transhuman utilitarianism. "And again according to the moratorium Ferrara therefore appeared "The choice to make clear to formalize philosophically and legally, and ethically, this rejection response and opposition to abortion. The text of Ferrara stressed the lack of a real subject female decision and ordered the woman to disappear behind the media rhetoric of "life" and virtual divine, freed from earthly desires and priorities. Self-determination viene definita "nichilista e autolesionista" come ad indicare il vuoto che le gerarchie ecclesiastiche associano alla donna (un vuoto da colmare unicamente con i figli) e, come per esplicitare che le donne, autodeterminandosi, vanno a ledere un presunto ordine naturale delle cose, sfidando la natura stessa della vita umana. Su questa scia altri ignobili attacchi sono giunti per esempio dalle amministrazioni regionali, come in Lombardia dove, dopo aver negato il diritto all'assistenza a chi non pratica una sessualità conforme alle norme morali, la Regione ha approvato una gravissima regolamentazione riguardo l'aborto terapeutico: da ora in poi non sarà più praticato oltre le 22 settimane e tre giorni dal concepimento del feto, invece delle 24 settimane generally accepted by physicians and provided by law. Just to reiterate the importance of women's lives less than that of the unborn.

E 'unbelievable and unacceptable that so little is still someone trying to challenge the legalization of abortion and that there is talk of women as mentally impaired who can not of sound mind, incapable of managing their own choices responsibly or even as the monstrous murders that unscrupulous premeditated murder of what could / should become a new human being. If this were not enough, the concept of self-determination of women, an idea (and practice) that seem well-founded and shared after decades of arduous struggle, is now being reinterpreted and interpreted in ideological, like the alleged abuse or invention and not a right.

E 'is also clear that at stake here is not only abortion but also birth control and the right to sexuality separated from procreation. Three things that obviously still men and the Church, does not like to be managed by women. Yet, like it or not atheists and devotees to the ladies in sackcloth, the decision is for women only and nobody else. For millennia, women were not allowed to decide whether and when to procreate. Since they were invented methods of birth control or contraception, women have instead discovered how to avoid making children against their will, but above all, have rediscovered the taste of wanting children, and you really want. The fact that contraceptive methods are so disliked by the clerical power and not only shows that what is bothering is the fact that procreation is to control women. Those who speak in defense of life and flagellate themselves with sackcloth to protect the embryo are those that then support the wars of religion (often in the alleged defense of Muslim women) and secretly wish to abort the immigrants, lesbians, gay men, perhaps even the Communists. Filoembrionisti defend these so-Life, the one with the capital V, that does not even require the moratorium on the war, which he mows millions of lives. They do not pose una moratoria sulle armi convenzionali e non convenzionali, sulle mine antiuomo, sul fosforo bianco. Morti necessarie si dice, incidenti, effetti collaterali: il prezzo da pagare per difendere la tranquillità e il benessere delle nostre metropoli occidentali da temibili terroristi. Figuriamoci poi se in queste coscienze illustri crea qualche preoccupazione filosofica-etico-giuridica, il fatto che migliaia di persone all'anno muoiano sul posto di lavoro. Morti bianche si dice, morti legalizzate in nome di un profitto produttivo che ha la meglio sulla vita di noi tutti.

Dobbiamo opporci con forza a questo clima e mobilitarci tutte insieme per difendere il nostro diritto all'autodeterminazione. Contro l'ipocrisia di chi nasconde dietro una Vita virtuale its hegemonic ambitions over the bodies and sexuality.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Quotes Regarding Pat Tillman

Presidio femminista a Perugia

No more lies! The truth is revolutionary!

On March 18, in Perugia, at the preliminary hearing for femicide Barbara Cicioni, dozens of women (40-50) were present to guard outside the court. Presidium 9.00 (when Spaccino entered the trial) lasted until 13.00. ( receive and publish )

There was the upheaval Feminist of Perugia and the Umbrian Women's Network, with banners and posters against violence on women and the "holy family", the scene of tragedies like that of Barbara Cicioni and more generally of violence against women. Leaflets and forms of assistance to the megaphone is denouncing the political class and the institutional average, for a climate of paranoia and security-racist on our skin and in our name, reinforcing the parallel policy of the centrality of family in observance of the heterosexist and patriarchal Vatican diktat and outrage in the feminist movement and lesbian Nov. 24 was expressed in a radical and clear against these measures on security and family and of our struggle against exploitation. "SAFE? TO DIE! THE HOLY FAMILY MURDERS ... "read our banner, "breaks the chains of patriarchy! The Holy Family killed Barbara, kill the holy family ", said a sign. "Barbara lives in our anger and our struggle," the murderess does not knock, it has the keys to the house. " These writings and some of the slogans shouted in the court.

Many women approached the garrison to thank her friends for this fight and this solidarity and the most exciting moment was when the mother of Barbara Cicioni, Simonetta Pangallo, took to the streets to hug moved.

the trial were granted all requests to issue a civil action filed, oltre che dai genitori e dai figli di Barbara Cicioni, da 5 associazioni femminili, quali “Giuriste democratiche”, “Associazione Differenza Donna”, “Comitato 8 marzo”, “Ossigeno” e “Telefono rosa”. Tutte si sono dichiarate soddisfatte di questa giornata, che è stata, lo ricordiamo, una giornata di lotta e solidarietà.

Tutte tranne “Telefono rosa”, che pure ha visto accolta la sua costituzione in parte civile!

Stigmatizziamo l’atteggiamento di quest’associazione verso il movimento femminista. Conosciamo bene le sue posizioni rispetto alle politiche securitarie e familiste, i suoi appoggi presso le top institutions, the role of women within the social safety net and the "holy family", the privileges enjoyed by the financial statements and its consequent position in relation to the event on 24 November. We are going to do some 'counter-information on what has been said and done at Perugia.

On March 18 the garrison feminist violence against women and patriarchy, the local press has said little and badly. In particular, the Corriere Umbria has distinguished itself in this process of censorship, because not only has space for all Article Elio Clergy Bertoldi, line of defense of the former husband of Barbara Cicioni, but has done more , reversed completely il significato della presenza delle donne davanti al tribunale, che pure emergeva chiaramente dagli striscioni, dai cartelli, dai volantini e dagli slogans, dipingendole come una banda di forcaiole invasate, che dopo aver urlato qualche slogan contro Spaccino si sono dileguate.

L’operazione di misticazione è infatti proseguita con l’articolo di Ecbert, in cui si afferma, senza fare riferimenti diretti ai soggetti che si sarebbero dissociati dal presidio femminista:"Non tutti hanno condiviso -neppure tra le associazioni che si sono costituite parte civile- la manifestazione in piazza IV Novembre, organizzata da Sommovimento e Rete Donna” (signor giornalista, sii più preciso, il Sommovimento è Femminista e il presidio was in Piazza Matteotti, the court below) and immediately continues: "As a process circumstantial, as is the present, where that is not obvious evidence of guilt of the accused, who did not confess, and indeed continues to proclaim himself innocent The presumption of innocence, always a must-even more so. While Roberto Spaccino was carried in a classroom of the protesters, entered the Palace of Justice, also said aloud: "And 'he the murderess?"

"Mr. @ Ecbert, we must teach us that" And' he 's murderess? "is not a statement but a question? And it is a question more than legitimate, especially quando è rivolta a pennivendoli come lei, sempre pronti a raccogliere le notizie fresche fresche di Procura prima che vengano notificate agli stessi indagati, sempre pronti a sbattere i “mostri” in prima pagina terrorizzando la popolazione e ungendola con il vostro bisogno di securitarismo. Forse che la presunzione di innocenza di cui parla non vale per tutti? Forse che la “certezza della pena”, tanto invocata da Telefono Rosa (che lei omette di citare nel suo articolo come unica associazione femminile che si è dissociata dal presidio femminista del 18 marzo, pur costituendosi parte civile), valga solo per alcuni?La nostra presenza in piazza era contro la violenza sulle donne e la famiglia patriarcale (BARBARA SIMBOLO DELLA LOTTA AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE, headlined the Journal of Umbria), but it was also against the security policies of your family and employers and the pink phone, to which your newspaper has devoted about half of the article published on March 18.

In that article, the president of the Maria Gabriella Moscatelli, recalling that "in addition to a woman was killed that poor child alive Cicioni was to give birth" (as if to say that the most serious offense is was to have killed the fetus, although it is still eight months of this-and not the mother, evoking the lines between the alleged crime of feticide), hopes that the process is short (and therefore also the timing of compensation to civil parties) and announced that the Telefono Rosa will constitute from now on all similar processes. What the journalist of the Corriere Umbria has failed to tell in all this is our voice, the voice of women who took to the streets to Barbara Cicioni and pink phone, speaking through his lawyer Maria Cristina Ciace, he wanted to silence .

In fact one of our partner, said the advocate said that our defense was counterproductive because the defense could contest the legitimate suspicion, that request the transfer of the trial because the accused held in a hostile environment and timing of the process would be expanded . The companion replied that we were not there to do with forcaiole Spaccino: in our signs, our banner, our slogans was never appointed, we were there to demonstrate against sexual violence and killings of women, who are daily and whose intensity was compared only with workplace accidents and murders and white in most cases are consumed in the family. This Holy Family is so dear to governments and institutions of the left and right for his role of social safety net and an outpost of religious obscurantism and reaction. The lawyer rose Telephone reacted shocked and horrified by reaffirming, at least on a personal basis, the sanctity of the traditional family. These are the facts that lie behind the infamous article in the Courier in Umbria on 19 March.

Luckily all the other women thought differently! A pink phone

note that the feminist movement does not need the placet of the institutions and other servants of power, he heads, legs and arms to fight independently.


because for every woman killed, RAPES AND INJURY ARE ALL PART INJURED!

upheaval Feminist Perugia

(Flyer for the garrison of 18 March:)


"... most common and organized crime. 31.7% of the killings take place in the home, more than 68% of victims are women and the perpetrator a male family member or at least a man who had relations with the victim in 9 cases out of 10 (husband, father, boyfriend, brother , neighbor, etc...) The risk is highest for the unemployed, between 25 and 54 years ... "(Corriere Umbria Tuesday, March 11, 2008)

Perugia, May 25, 2007. The "holy family" claimed another victim, Barbara Cicioni, punched in the head and then choked when he was in bed, unable to defend himself to the late pregnancy and diabetes.

Once again, the murderess not knock on the door, the house keys!

Cicioni Barbara passed away on 25 May 2007, but his murder was a death foretold, made up of daily insults, beatings, psychological abuse throughout the marriage, with young children forced to attend to the constant harassment and abuse against women by the husband and, in turn, threatened with death. These continuing violence, Barbara had reacted, had denounced her husband for a bit 'had managed to flee but then went on to suffer it because "the family must remain united and in the name of this" holy family "was killed.

Her husband, Roberto Spaccino, admits to beating her, but denies having murdered: "My wife was pregnant, I would never have killed ...

Yeah, because the wife-murder is a crime, but not the femicide and the value of a woman's life is measured in terms of its role as "incubators", wife, mother to the service of the home, more often than passive witnesses to violence and sexual abuse also on their daughters / i.

The 'massacre' made up of daily killings and rapes against women is consumed in most cases in the family and also did Monday, March 10, three victims in Taranto. A woman e due figlie uccise a colpi di martello, non da uno sconosciuto per strada, possibilmente immigrato, ma dal capofamiglia. Un insospettabile professionista, una persona “per bene” di una famiglia “per bene e normale”, un chirurgo accusato di molestie sessuali nei confronti di una sua paziente, che ha voluto barbaramente punire le SUE donne per aver manifestato l’intenzione di separarsi da lui dopo una vita di litigi.

Ma in questo sistema sociale più le donne vengono violentate e uccise in famiglia e più la famiglia viene esaltata dai vari Ratzinger, Ruini, Casini, ecc., alimentando a livello di massa una ideologia maschilista e patriarcale in cui l'uomo consideri normale che la moglie, i figli siano sua property and where it is unacceptable that a woman can leave and self-determination, in which the family must look out for good and normal, whereas hatching inside the worst brutality. E 'in this social system, which feeds and heterosexist violence produces, which is strengthening the political centrality of the family (up to Family Day), the subordinate role of women in an atmosphere of modern Middle Ages, denying, in fact, abortion rights, self-determination, etc. .. If women are denied the basic rights of their own lives, if the law of a Member State considers his life less than one embryo is or is not an 'inevitable and logical consequence of the resumption of worst machismo in gender relationships? And 'the clear link between the condition of women and killings, sexual violence.

E 'the same social system that breeds violence, which confines women within the home, in their slaughterhouses, which denies them the empowerment to the lack of an income, which denies them social spaces where they can compare and help , that gives them an armored city and desertified, that fuels fear and loneliness through control measures and securitarian of fascist and racist, without giving any response to the widespread need and widespread social security. These measures have a direct effect of encouraging sexual violence at all levels: create a climate of obscurantism and oppression, they create the city "under control" uninhabitable, they are banned, even criminalized normal freedom, sociability among young people, women, people.

There is a direct relationship between measures of increased "security" and the increase in rapes and feminicide violence between the state and that of society. STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN


In the name of all the women raped, killed, oppressed, against the low-intensity war against women respond with anger and determination

Tuesday, March 18, 9:00 am, Presidio before the court in Perugia, Piazza Matteotti, for the preliminary hearing for femicide Barbara Cicioni

upheaval Feminist Perugia

(press release for 18:)


mated March 18 at 9 am before the court in Perugia, Piazza Matteotti, the preliminary hearing for femicide Barbara Cicioni.

The murderess was not knocking the house keys!

express our anger against the "slaughter" made up of daily killings and rapes against women, a "massacre" which usually uses at home.

Just the "holy family" traditional heterosexual and patriarchal, enhanced daily by religious institutions, secular and mass media.

concealing old but still effective balance of power and domination now functional to the reproduction of neoliberal social system.

that the governments of both major political camps institutional rush through measures to support and strengthen family and securitarian.

For every woman killed, raped, hurt us all the injured party! We

to court for reporting and monitoring, because we are no longer willing to suffer any kind of justification and sexist sentence, nor easy manipulation by the media and politicians can power a pericoloso clima di paranoia securitaria e razzista.

Invitiamo tutte a partecipare all’iniziativa, perché solo la soggettività delle donne può contrastare questa violenza e costruire nuovi modelli di relazioni e convivenza.

Sommovimento femminista –PG-

Rete delle Donne –PG-

(comunicato stampa dopo il 18:)

Il movimento femminista è contro il femminicidio, il Telefono Rosa è contro il movimento femminista!!!

Ieri 18 marzo in occasione dell’udienza per l’omicidio di Barbara Cicioni, la donna all’ottavo mese di gravidanza barbamente massacrata dentro la sua home, the feminist upheaval Perugia Umbria and the Network of Women protested outside the court to remember that violence against women today is a shocking reality.

Worldwide, in fact, the leading cause of death for women it is the men's violent death at the hands, so that today is spoken everywhere in a real slaughter: femicide.

Istat national data also revealed that the overwhelming majority of these crimes, as well as in kind of violence (sexual violence and beatings) are consumed in their traditional family. The same family that the contrary is strongly supported by the policies of governments of left and right, held a place of unabashed peace and love. The truth is that lie behind this family of asymmetrical power relations that have resulted in violence and often murder their own.

presence before the court and in the streets yesterday was just to remember all victims of these massacres and quiet to be close in some way every day to women who still suffer violence.

As the feminist movement do not have passion for the courts, because we are aware that the "personal responsibility" are limited to social and political contexts that are complicit, that make them possible. Why not return the life sentence, nor heal the wounds, because we are naturally "suspicious" institutions and management bodies.

why condemn the behavior of some women's associations (and feminist), and in particular Telefono Rosa, which has the arrogance to claim to represent all women, in a context like that of a court. This association is in fact a civil party in the process of Cicioni (announcing his presence in future trials), but also denigrated forms of struggle and solidarity of the women who were present in the protest outside the Court. We do not allow any of these women and institutional power to discredit the work of generations of women and feminists (no perception of expense) that are in the streets, squares, and all places where you can express female subjectivity. For our part not to delegate any of our representatives and our voice, rather we are for the construction of paths reappropriation of our lives, our self-determination and choice.

upheaval Feminist Perugia

---------------------------- If you want to look at the local press, is on this address:
https: / / author_name = upheavals 20femminista%% 20PG = 0 & & comment_limit condense_comments comment5932 # = false and there is also a part of this guide and our previous statement.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Motorguide Quik Stik Cover

In Italia la precarietà è donna

conditions worse than for boys under 24 for "big sisters". Male also over 45. After a year of just over one in ten reach a stable agreement. Almost all earn less than ten thousand euro a few years and become mothers before the age of 34. The alarm raised by the report IRES CGIL. ( Federico Pace )

young but not so young. We end up in the morass of insecurity especially women. All forced to contract more unstable than it happens to their fellow men. More than half of young people occupied an atypical and the same applies to almost 26 percent of the "under 34". Uses marginal and short-term contracts even for the more mature. All with a probability lower than the already precarious low of men able to transform the atypical in stable employment. The warning of "insecurity rose" is the third report prepared by the Centre in the IRES CGIL atypical work and presented today in Rome.

women find themselves in a position to quell'atleta that, because of obstacles imposed on them alone, is not given full opportunity to win the race. If anything is given them to run. They will receive a contract period even shorter than it happens to the precarious men. The 76 per cent of atypical finds himself with a temporary contract of less than twelve months, while the men going to slightly less than seventy percent of cases.

The elusiveness of stable work

The precarious condition seems to be the female component of a passenger's status is still less than it already is for their male colleagues. It seems rather a permanent condition that is more interested in almost all age groups. In a very small proportion of women are given the opportunity to gain access after a discontinuous work experience, on a permanent contract. We can only 14 percent of them, and manages to a still too low 20 percent men with term contracts or collaboration.

The part-time and the delight in family-friendly flexibility

The women then find themselves having to inhabit the space of part-time is not always by choice. Representing three-quarters of part-time workers (employees and quasi-employees), but only 36 percent is in this condition intentionally. The part-time is an advantage, if anything, for women at older ages where the return on the labor market becomes a way to contribute to family income. For the most part, however, does not appear to support the hypothesis that part-time work is an instrument of conciliation to be accepted without hesitation. The authors warn of the investigation and say it is "legitimate to ask whether the indiscriminate use of atypical contracts not in fact representing a disadvantage factor for women."

Crafts too atypical

The flexibility that is offered to women seems so determined a progressive deterioration in terms of employment, economic and social "of their condition. Have higher qualifications but work less and earn less. Perform technical occupations, clerical and unskilled exclusive. And as for the graduates who find themselves with a contract of collaboration, only 42 per cent of them is engaged in scientific and highly specialized, while the same happens, with the same qualifications, 52 per cent of men.

little money

According to INPS, revised by the authors of IRES, for the same contract period the women gather to have a lower average tax than men. With a difference that becomes increasingly seeing while men continue to grow over time, wages for women after 44 do not seem to increase more. Overall, 77.3 percent of atypical has a base of less than ten thousand euro a year (see table ).

The reconciliation difficult

conditions that may not have a direct impact on such life choices. Among young employees aged between 25 and 34 years, mothers have less than 19 per cent (see table ) while employed in the same age are in a much higher percentage (31 percent). Motherhood and collaboration conditions seem difficult to reconcile. And the children are room only at a later age when it becomes greater autonomy in terms of location and hours of work.

TABLE: The taxable income by sex

FAMILY STATUS: children with and without

INSTABILITY ': Per genere e per età

(, 20.3.08)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

100 Mg Benzonatate Get You High

Femministe in lotta a Padova

Arriva Ferrara, sono subito botte

Scontri, due cariche dei carabinieri e momenti di forte tensione domenica sera [16/3] davanti al comune di Padova, dove centinaia di femministe si erano date appuntamento per contestare l'arrivo in città di Giuliano Ferrara per presentare il programma della lista «Aborto? No Grazie». La reazione delle forze dell'ordine è scattata quando un gruppo di manifestanti, soprattutto donne ma anche militanti dei centri sociali e del movimento No Dal Molin, ha cercato di forzare il blocco al cancello principale di Palazzo Moroni. Contro i Protesters started two charges. But the real contrast was that between women and law enforcement. After the arrival of Ferrara, under cover ("I'm not afraid, 'he said, however), the event continued.

"Julian, you're inconceivable"

The sit-in against the pro-life list was announced by the club dramatically with other lesbian feminist associations. "Self-Defense of Our Lives" and "Ferrara six inconceivable," said their call, "We condemn the hypocrites who side Ferrara as vehemently against abortion and self-determination of women but they are complicit or indifferent on the production of death and harmfulness che danneggiano quotidianamente le nostre vite, o che non si interessano delle migliaia di donne che muoiono nella propria casa a causa della violenza maschile».

(il manifesto, 17.3.08)

- V. il video della manifestazione

Monday, March 17, 2008

Rachael Ray Nutrish Beef Rice

Aborto e rivoluzione russa

Al fine di contribuire documentalmente all’attuale dibattito sull’aborto, riportiamo il testo del Decreto sovietico del 1920, che regolamenta l’ ”aborto libero e gratuito” annunciato subito dopo la rivoluzione d’ottobre del 1917.

I tratti caratteristici della legge sovietica del 1920 sono:
1) l’aborto è (un’operazione chirurgica) legale (artt.1 e 2), purchè sia effettuato da un medico;
2) esso è (entro i tre mesi) frutto di libera scelta della donna (art.6);
3) l’aborto è un problema sociale (gli aborti clandestini e la moria delle donne) che va affrontato ponendo l’incolumità e la salute della donna al primo posto (artt.3 e 4);
4) non è permesso al medico di rifiutare l’aborto, ma solo di cercare di dissuadere la donna (artt.8 e 13).

Negli anni successivi, di pari passo col sopravvento delle forze contro-rivoluzionarie, vengono approvate norme integrative, limitative.
- Nel 1924, l’art.5 impedisce l’aborto “durante la prima gravidanza” (a unless the mother is not life threatening).
- In 1928, Article 7 prevents abortion within six months of the year.

With the Stalinist legislation of 1936, there is a complete reversal of trend, abortion is prohibited (art. 1 of the Decree of 06.28.1936), unless there is a danger of a woman's life or severe damage to his health, or the inheritance of "some serious illness" (included in the list annexed to the Decree).

Decree of 18 November 1920 (supplementary provisions with )

"The People's Commissariat for Public Health and the People's Commissariat for Justice, in order to protect women's health and interests of the race against greedy charlatans and ignorant, whereas the system of repression so far has not adopted any results, the following resolution:

Art.1. - The operation for the abortion can be performed only by medical graduates.

Art.2. - Except in exceptional circumstances, abortion should be the result of an operation and administration of a drug.

Art.3. - After the operation, the women must stay in bed in hospital or in a place similar to least seventy-two hours.

Art.4. - After each abortion or curettage, the patients can be summarized to work earlier than two weeks from the operation.

[Art.5. - Abortion may be performed during the first pregnancy, except in cases of life-threatening for the mother (Supplementary Decree of 1924).]

Art.6. - Abortion may be performed if the pregnancy has lasted for more than three months.

[Article 7. - A new abortion may be performed earlier than six months from the previous (Supplementary Decree of 1928).]

Art.8. - Except as required by the Articles. 5-6-7, the qualified doctor has the right to reject abortion, ma conserva la libertà di dissuadere la paziente con tutti i mezzi a sua disposizione.

Art.9. – Tutti gli aborti devono essere praticati in appositi ospedali, destinati a questo scopo.

Art.10. – Alle levatrici e in genere a chiunque non sia medico è rigorosamente proibito di praticare aborti. I contravventori saranno tradotti davanti al Tribunale del Popolo.

Art.11. – I medici che praticano aborti al di fuori degli ospedali, con effetti letali per la paziente, come ogni altro individuo alle cui manovre abortive segue la morte della donna, possono essere perseguiti per omicidio. Non sono punibili le donne che si procurano l’aborto da sole.

Art.12. – Chiunque process, with the mother's consent to a termination of pregnancy without being authorized to do by law shall be punished with imprisonment or with hard labor up to a maximum of one year and fine of 600 rubles. The same punishment that the medical practice operation in unhygienic conditions. In the case where the acts specified in the first part of this article had the character of customary acts or mercenaries, or to take place without the consent of the mother, or even causing its death, the offender shall be punished with five years' imprisonment (art .140 Ref. Criminal, 1922)

Art.13. - It is the duty of the doctor to advise against abortion if the women who need fewer than three children, if they have adequate means to raise another, where their health may well tolerate another pregnancy, if their living conditions are a good environment for children, and finally if there is no company name, physical or economic justify abortion. "

(Adapted from: "Study of the Soviet legislation on abortion ..." Italo Sanguineti and Fabio Morpurgo. Bologna, L. Cappelli, 1946).

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What Do You Think About Copper Red

Un otto marzo di lotta a Milano

Presidio Avenue to the supermarket Esselunga Papiniano

Many of the women demonstrating yesterday, March 8, had a sticker on his chest. A red circle ban that read: "I do not buy all'Esselunga. The group of large retailers women on 8 March in Milan deny bullying against a cashier and they bring their solidarity, gender and class. The woman, waiting for the change to go to the bathroom and did not resist peeing at checkout. In the days that followed, has also filed a complaint for having been beaten in the locker room.

right in front of all'Esselunga Papiniano avenue yesterday afternoon over a hundred representatives of feminist groups ( never been silent ; The streaks ; Proletarian Women) and the antagonist movement (anarchist, youth social centers , single revolutionary [1]) staged a demonstration outside guarding and entering the mass in the supermarket, shouting slogans, playing and singing loudly (also International), semi-paralyzed in fact the work of the super for about two hours.

Finally a real fight on March 8th!

reproduce, for his exemplary, the text of the leaflet distributed and posted in the area by companions proletarian women, in this beautiful occasion.

<< a March 8 fight against the master and family violence, the Women's Autonomy!

Skip to the eye after the attack on Giovanna (1), the Esselunga, - as has Caprotti its owner - it is a 'family' with the papers in order, and as in the patriarchal family with the papers in order, that punish women for reasons of honor, his 'family business' punishing workers for reasons of honor and dis-affection. Giovanna, a cashier, has broken the rule of family life-Esselunga, always work, without distractions, let alone go to the bathroom at work, plus it has also broken the rules of good manners of the family, not because it provided a nice smiley face consumers who want to eat in peace, but the horrid vision of a malaise, a pee in cash.

has broken the rules, Joanna - 15 days of illness to cystitis - You know that the disease has stolen company time and especially if they have the frigate 'feelings' of the company, which prohibit sympathy for the union. Caprotti a personal insult for the patriarch, who believes that workers and all of its claims - like the harem - who have relations with him, always spiritually and materially embodied in his henchmen. We think them to run the "harem-business' reward 'good' and punish 'bad'. With the 'torture' of 7 hours, stay in cash, without rotation, the department 'confinement,' the anguish of the 'surplus', the blackmail of the shifts, permits, vacations, and regrading. And for those who do not understand that the Caprotti is the patriarch, in addition to ritual torture, male aggression is the coward and the papal inquisition, torture, water, stuck his head in the toilet, the revenge of the Logo to crush all resistance by the action of workers crippling violence and fear.

As is clear in the main link between violence and family!

Caprotti Esselunga proudly declares that his is a family, referred to as owner, is the patriarch. Do not lose your mission-family-business, the maximum benefit, use violence against the most sinister to terrorize workers, force them into passivity, stripped of their dignity and rights won over decades of union struggles, to remove any conflict of class that would topple his beautiful 'family' in which he has absolute power. What a resemblance to the mission of the male family violence, using violence to terrorize and force the woman to hold the whole family, an institution that has not been any more productive economic base, which is just oppressive, stifling and alienating for women, but ensures that the privileges of power reserved by the male patriarchy.

This March 8, marks the end of 'silence', the rite of mimosa, all passivizzanti female behavior, is a March 8 fight in Italy, a resounding answer to all reactionary forces who are attacking us in terms of rights, dignity and personal work.

This March 8 is the banner of female, the Offensive, self-organization in riots, the women's movement that does not simply delegate their lives to themselves, organize themselves into riots, against the roar of the Lioness the rotting capitalist who wants to solve its systemic crisis on our shoulders!

ESSELUNGA AND ALL boycott the supermarkets, department stores or shops WHERE IS THE DIGNITY WALK 'THE WOMEN!

-------------- (1) I knew that I would make her pay. The story of John (real name). "Thursday, at 16.30, I was just went to "break." I went down in our changing room, I sat on the bench and I was rummaging in her purse to find something. I felt a hand grab me from behind and pulled me up peri hair "I wanted to scream. But I was put something in your eyes or a swab, a piece of cloth in his mouth. I could no longer speak and see nothing. I just realized that this was a man, a very strong person, taller than me, I thought it was going to kill me. I was dragged by force into all'antibagno, he started beating me, I banged my head on the lockers with violence. He kicked in pushing, punching. I said, "you talk too much and beat her. Down a shot and said: "Questo è da parte di..". Un altro colpo e "Questo è da parte di.." Ho cercato di graffiarlo. Ho anche pensato che se mi ammazzava almeno mi sarebbero rimaste tracce del suo Dna sotto le unghie. E gli ho morso un dito, ma ho sentito che aveva guanti di plastica. Quando mi ha costretto a mettere la testa nel water ho perso conoscenza, non ricordo più nulla. Pensavo ai miei due bambini e avevo il terrore di lasciarli per sempre». Sono rimasta sul pavimento davanti al water. Una collega mi ha trovato così, svenuta. Ho aperto gli occhi e ho visto il direttore della filiale che mi carezzava(!) e mi chiedeva "Perché mi fai questo?"(!!) Contusioni, distorsioni, ecchimosi, tumefazioni, trauma cranico. Ho terrore per me e i miei children, fear of the consequences for employment, but without my salary, the family falls apart. I will not try another job, I'll stay in my place and the truth and fight for my rights'.>> ------------------

[1] In front of the speakers , with hat, scarf and red megaphone, Oreste Scalzone, the representative of workers' autonomy in 2007 returned to Italy after the fall in prescribing of crime of subversive association and an armed gang to which he was condemned.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Vocabulary Level E Review Answers

Aumentano gli infortuni (anche) tra le donne

Each year, 120 workers lose their lives, practically one every three days . The phenomenon is on the rise among women, partly because it is increased the employment rate for women, but also for the more frequent entry of women working in areas at high risk of injury and illness from work. Regarding the overall figure of accidents in different sectors in the years 2003-2005 only women were victims of accidents and 24.5 percent of the total (228,000 cases per 934 000).

Inail These data, released today dall'Inca Cgil during a conference on the 8 March. Even in the industrial sector, where women represent only 23 per cent of total employment, the proportion of accidents is still significant (10.4 percent). As often happens, spatial data mark significant differences. In Italia centrale si registra la più alta percentuale degli infortuni subiti da donne (27,1 per cento). Seguono le regioni del Nord (24,5) e del Mezzogiorno (21,4 ). Riguardo all'età, gli infortuni sono frequenti soprattutto tra le lavoratrici comprese tra 26 e 49 anni. L'Inca riporta anche i dati sulle malattie professionali: ogni anno ne vengono denunciati all'Inail circa 26 mila casi e le donne, con quasi 6 mila denunce annuali, raggiungono il 21,8 per cento del totale. È il settore agricolo quello con la più alta presenza di malattie professionali al femminile: le più frequenti sono tendiniti e sindrome del tunnel carpale (per gli uomini sono invece sordità e malattie dell'apparato respiratorio). In crescita anche accidents of foreign workers, which have doubled from 2001 to 2004, rising from 10 000 to 20 000.

According to data of patronage, about 40 percent of injured women stop working after suffering an injury : 'Too often women, while remaining at work, are employed in work not fully compatible with the disability suffered , exposed to hard work is not always executable. Only 3.8 percent of women with disabilities find the right place '. On women, highlights the patronage falling twice because the consequences of an accident 'is seriously upset the balance of family relationships both internally and in the social context'. He says even the Inca, "the data are significant for a recent sample survey conducted dall'Amnil, which shows that one in five women in the media is abandoned after the accident companion. And, thereafter, over 6 out of 10 women interviewed with the age of 50 years has separated '.

During the conference, the Inca Cgil then listed a number of proposals for better protection: the right also to recognize unmarried couples Inail compensation, ensure access to children and students the same percentage of expected revenue for the surviving spouse Inail (50 percent); Inail ensure that compensation is not less than the worker's salary or the worker died in an accident at work, increase the national fund for the victims in the workplace which currently has a budget of € 2.5 million. "A figure - said the patronage - barely enough to ensure that each victim at work a 'one-off' that runs from 1,500 to a maximum of € 2500 based on the composition of the household." Latest proposal: in the event of serious accidents in the home, working to ensure that the period of illness does not affect the purpose of conservation of the workplace.

(, 07/03/2008)

Swollen Gums Fever Sore Throat

Oltre un miliardo di donne al lavoro, ma i diritti sono ancora un miraggio

many borders in areas with low productivity, the minimum pay and free basic rights. In less developed countries a large proportion had to be absent from the market. There is a growing level of education. The alarm sounded by the International Labour Office. ( Federico Pace )

are one billion two hundred million women who work in the world. A number in the last ten years has increased by almost twenty per cent. But for the most part are confined to less productive sectors, to bear the major economic risks and are still very far from a decent job. Private access to social protection and fundamental rights. And, although the level of education increases and reduces the gap in some indicators, remains unchanged, the proportion of women employed (Forty percent of the total labor force). These are the main findings of the report "Global Employment Trends Women" released today by the International Labour Office.

Since 1997 the number of women in employment rose by 200 million units. During the same period has increased to a lesser extent, the number of unemployed, today there are 81.6 million. The female unemployment rate fell to 6.4 percent while that of the male component is still less than and equal to 5.7 per cent (see table ).

Loans vulnerable

More women at work then, but for the most part of their problems remain. Especially if you look at the areas where they are active and the rights they enjoy. "Women continue to enter the workforce in large numbers. This progress should not pass unnoticed the great injustices that still exist in workplaces throughout the world," said ILO Director General Juan Somavia. Over the last decade has decreased from 56.1 percent to 51.7 percent, the share of women employed in vulnerable positions (see table ), where he worked for a family or on their own, are not salaried and most likely are not economically independent. A phenomenon that is especially prevalent in poorer regions of the world.

The improvement in recent years has left a share is too high in places of hardship and uncertainty. With rates up to eighty percent in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia "The workplace and the world of work - said Somavia - are fundamental to the achievement of equal opportunity and the advancement of women in society. By promoting decent work for women, reinforcing the company and supports the economic and social progress. "

decent job precondition

The economic development objective for the authors of the report, must be to give all women a decent job. This should be considered anche come la precondizione per lo sviluppo economico. Le aree dove si è registrata una significativa crescita economica sono quelle con la più elevata partecipazione femminile al lavoro, i più bassi tassi di disoccupazione e i minori gap in termini di distribuzione nei settore di impiego. Il coinvolgimento delle donne all’interno dell’occupazione può dare quindi il giusto impulso allo sviluppo economico, solo se esse non rimangono confinate in lavori poco remunerati e con una bassa produttività.

"L'accesso ai mercati del lavoro e ad un’occupazione dignitosa è cruciale per realizzare pari opportunità," ha spiegato Evy Messell, direttrice dell'Ufficio dell'ILO per le pari opportunità, "tuttavia women must still overcome many discriminatory obstacles when seeking employment. Companies can not afford to ignore the potential of women's work for poverty reduction and must seek innovative ways to break down economic barriers, social and political issues. Provide women with a basis of equality in the workplace is not only ethically wrong, it is also a smart investment in the long term. "

Freedom of choice

Today, for every ten men in employment, there are seven women working and the relationship between female employment and population, the value that reveals the extent to which economies are able to benefit from the productive potential of the population working age is 49.1 per cent (while for men is 74.3 per cent). If it is true, the report's authors stress that not all women want to work, it is certain that all must be given the opportunity to choose between working or not. And if they choose to work, must be given the opportunity to choose jobs that pay and with the same rights as their male colleagues.

TABLE: since 1997

TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT: self-employed persons and vulnerable

(, 03/07/2008)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Itching Worse Post Treatment Scabies

Solidarietà alle compagne di Bologna!

At 17 March 1, '08, in three of Fine Arts companions coordination Those that do not fit , denouncing years male violence against women, promote a garrison on March 4, in the court, in solidarity with a woman who sued in September 2006 that he had tried to rape her Three men in civilian clothes without qualification as the police approached and asked them to show identification. ( Press )

The digos only to be later qualified as a result of numerous requests of the companies in the meantime they were trying to contact a lawyer. The lawyer contacted advised them to give particulars, but communication was interrupted abruptly from the seizure of the phone by a policeman. Meanwhile

had already arrived on site four police cars. Companions, surrounded by police, was prevented from giving notice and with the general violence and bullying of getting into a car. Surrounded by more than 15 policemen and digoxin were forcibly introduced to the police car and taken to the police station with sirens blaring.

splicing in all three police were identified as mugshots and fingerprints of both hands and palms, and then intimidated and threatened in many ways, held for three hours at the end of which, for alleged refusal to provide identification and resistance to public Journal. During this detention was prevented from communicating what was happening outside, leaving them in a state of total isolation. Meanwhile women and lesbian co-ordination came in solidarity with the comrades in the police station.

denounce violence must report immediately, the threats continued, the desire to prevent both internally and externally to communicate with each other, the violence carried out by the presence of more than fifteen policemen that surrounded and pushed the power in the car, the choice of an isolated place to make the catch that prevented even more visibility of what was happening.

denounce threats of personal search the police station, how Identification came through mug shots and fingerprints, arrogance, bullying, ridicule estate. We denounce the repression that affects three of our fellow co-ordination against male violence. All of this for us is not only abuse of power, but intimidation targeted political activity of women and lesbians.

remember that this repression is not new: in November 2006 in Crevalcore, during a protest to denounce a rapist, the police kept a very intimidating and threatening behavior against demonstrators, identifying and trying to prevent the holding of the event .

IL April 20, 2007, during a demonstration Cyrenaica, in solidarity with a woman who had denounced her two rapists, once again threatened digos Those that do not fit .

In this case only negative of our public presence that we want to communicate was the obstruction of police, four men in civilian clothes, who were never identified as such and a woman from a certain point on filmed and filmed our every move. At the conclusion of the event while the women who participated in untying the procession, each to take his direction, in subtle form and without that there was no specific reason, the police tried to stop and identify individual women.

... Then we wonder if the task of these operators the police also paid by us is to take many hours of their work to monitor, identify, and perhaps lead to denounce women who try to stop and curb atrocities against them are acted out. Those who have the duty as security [1] not only not do damage, unable to prevent the rapes that occur in either prosecute the guilty, but open spaces for preventing sexist attitudes and pursuing us. The paradox is obvious and we all are aware of it.

Bologna, March 2, 2008

Those that do not fit

[1] Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza is the armed wing of patriarchy and the bourgeois state. No illusion, then, their institutional tasks (which do not affect the "safety" of citizens in general, but the assets and the owners). Ed