Thursday, April 3, 2008

Isabella Saprano Bunny Ranch

Bologna - In migliaia cacciano Giuliano Ferrara da P.zza Maggiore

Giuliano Ferrara è stato costretto a interrompere il comizio elettorale da una determinata e rumorosa contestazione. Le pesanti cariche della polizia non hanno impedito alle donne e agli uomini di riprendersi la piazza e conquistare il palco da cui è stato ribadito il diritto all’autodeterminazione e il rifiuto di ogni tentativo di control and criminalization of women's choices over their lives.


This afternoon, thousands of women and men, particularly girls, have prevented Giuliano Ferrara to play a regular campaign rally for the list "Abortion? No, thank you. " The / demonstrators have set up a noisy protest near the stage where the rally was held in a piazza Maggiore reinforced by police and cordoned off.

When Giuliano Ferrara took the word was struck by a chorus of whistles and trips that claimed the right to self-women, covering his ravings. A roll of vegetables and eggs, Ferrara responded insulting / demonstrators and in turn raising objects from the stage, while the police using force and batons tried to disperse the people who continued to shout and whistle. The editor of Il Foglio was then forced to leave the stage. When the protesters chased the continuing dispute determined, the police charged heavily causing several injuries.

Subsequently, the garrison with hundreds of other people with the sound system of social space and the Network for autoderminazione, which was taking place parallel to the protest in Piazza Nettuno, has exceeded the barrier of fences and police and who had met in Piazza Maggiore.

A great crowd of women and men was then taken back in Piazza Maggiore, is directed towards conquering the stage, raising the roof with the election symbols and putting up the banner "Get out of your control our bodies." They then followed a series of interventions that have confirmed that the 194 does not touch, that freedom of speech of the list of Ferrara will never erase the freedom of choice of each and everyone and re-launched the fight against any attempt to normalize behavior and control bodies.

The voice of the protagonists: [audio o1] [o2 audio] [audio o3]

Read the appeal

Press Agency , Photo The Rest of , Photo The Zic

Global Project Bologna


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