Friday, March 21, 2008

Quotes Regarding Pat Tillman

Presidio femminista a Perugia

No more lies! The truth is revolutionary!

On March 18, in Perugia, at the preliminary hearing for femicide Barbara Cicioni, dozens of women (40-50) were present to guard outside the court. Presidium 9.00 (when Spaccino entered the trial) lasted until 13.00. ( receive and publish )

There was the upheaval Feminist of Perugia and the Umbrian Women's Network, with banners and posters against violence on women and the "holy family", the scene of tragedies like that of Barbara Cicioni and more generally of violence against women. Leaflets and forms of assistance to the megaphone is denouncing the political class and the institutional average, for a climate of paranoia and security-racist on our skin and in our name, reinforcing the parallel policy of the centrality of family in observance of the heterosexist and patriarchal Vatican diktat and outrage in the feminist movement and lesbian Nov. 24 was expressed in a radical and clear against these measures on security and family and of our struggle against exploitation. "SAFE? TO DIE! THE HOLY FAMILY MURDERS ... "read our banner, "breaks the chains of patriarchy! The Holy Family killed Barbara, kill the holy family ", said a sign. "Barbara lives in our anger and our struggle," the murderess does not knock, it has the keys to the house. " These writings and some of the slogans shouted in the court.

Many women approached the garrison to thank her friends for this fight and this solidarity and the most exciting moment was when the mother of Barbara Cicioni, Simonetta Pangallo, took to the streets to hug moved.

the trial were granted all requests to issue a civil action filed, oltre che dai genitori e dai figli di Barbara Cicioni, da 5 associazioni femminili, quali “Giuriste democratiche”, “Associazione Differenza Donna”, “Comitato 8 marzo”, “Ossigeno” e “Telefono rosa”. Tutte si sono dichiarate soddisfatte di questa giornata, che è stata, lo ricordiamo, una giornata di lotta e solidarietà.

Tutte tranne “Telefono rosa”, che pure ha visto accolta la sua costituzione in parte civile!

Stigmatizziamo l’atteggiamento di quest’associazione verso il movimento femminista. Conosciamo bene le sue posizioni rispetto alle politiche securitarie e familiste, i suoi appoggi presso le top institutions, the role of women within the social safety net and the "holy family", the privileges enjoyed by the financial statements and its consequent position in relation to the event on 24 November. We are going to do some 'counter-information on what has been said and done at Perugia.

On March 18 the garrison feminist violence against women and patriarchy, the local press has said little and badly. In particular, the Corriere Umbria has distinguished itself in this process of censorship, because not only has space for all Article Elio Clergy Bertoldi, line of defense of the former husband of Barbara Cicioni, but has done more , reversed completely il significato della presenza delle donne davanti al tribunale, che pure emergeva chiaramente dagli striscioni, dai cartelli, dai volantini e dagli slogans, dipingendole come una banda di forcaiole invasate, che dopo aver urlato qualche slogan contro Spaccino si sono dileguate.

L’operazione di misticazione è infatti proseguita con l’articolo di Ecbert, in cui si afferma, senza fare riferimenti diretti ai soggetti che si sarebbero dissociati dal presidio femminista:"Non tutti hanno condiviso -neppure tra le associazioni che si sono costituite parte civile- la manifestazione in piazza IV Novembre, organizzata da Sommovimento e Rete Donna” (signor giornalista, sii più preciso, il Sommovimento è Femminista e il presidio was in Piazza Matteotti, the court below) and immediately continues: "As a process circumstantial, as is the present, where that is not obvious evidence of guilt of the accused, who did not confess, and indeed continues to proclaim himself innocent The presumption of innocence, always a must-even more so. While Roberto Spaccino was carried in a classroom of the protesters, entered the Palace of Justice, also said aloud: "And 'he the murderess?"

"Mr. @ Ecbert, we must teach us that" And' he 's murderess? "is not a statement but a question? And it is a question more than legitimate, especially quando è rivolta a pennivendoli come lei, sempre pronti a raccogliere le notizie fresche fresche di Procura prima che vengano notificate agli stessi indagati, sempre pronti a sbattere i “mostri” in prima pagina terrorizzando la popolazione e ungendola con il vostro bisogno di securitarismo. Forse che la presunzione di innocenza di cui parla non vale per tutti? Forse che la “certezza della pena”, tanto invocata da Telefono Rosa (che lei omette di citare nel suo articolo come unica associazione femminile che si è dissociata dal presidio femminista del 18 marzo, pur costituendosi parte civile), valga solo per alcuni?La nostra presenza in piazza era contro la violenza sulle donne e la famiglia patriarcale (BARBARA SIMBOLO DELLA LOTTA AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE, headlined the Journal of Umbria), but it was also against the security policies of your family and employers and the pink phone, to which your newspaper has devoted about half of the article published on March 18.

In that article, the president of the Maria Gabriella Moscatelli, recalling that "in addition to a woman was killed that poor child alive Cicioni was to give birth" (as if to say that the most serious offense is was to have killed the fetus, although it is still eight months of this-and not the mother, evoking the lines between the alleged crime of feticide), hopes that the process is short (and therefore also the timing of compensation to civil parties) and announced that the Telefono Rosa will constitute from now on all similar processes. What the journalist of the Corriere Umbria has failed to tell in all this is our voice, the voice of women who took to the streets to Barbara Cicioni and pink phone, speaking through his lawyer Maria Cristina Ciace, he wanted to silence .

In fact one of our partner, said the advocate said that our defense was counterproductive because the defense could contest the legitimate suspicion, that request the transfer of the trial because the accused held in a hostile environment and timing of the process would be expanded . The companion replied that we were not there to do with forcaiole Spaccino: in our signs, our banner, our slogans was never appointed, we were there to demonstrate against sexual violence and killings of women, who are daily and whose intensity was compared only with workplace accidents and murders and white in most cases are consumed in the family. This Holy Family is so dear to governments and institutions of the left and right for his role of social safety net and an outpost of religious obscurantism and reaction. The lawyer rose Telephone reacted shocked and horrified by reaffirming, at least on a personal basis, the sanctity of the traditional family. These are the facts that lie behind the infamous article in the Courier in Umbria on 19 March.

Luckily all the other women thought differently! A pink phone

note that the feminist movement does not need the placet of the institutions and other servants of power, he heads, legs and arms to fight independently.


because for every woman killed, RAPES AND INJURY ARE ALL PART INJURED!

upheaval Feminist Perugia

(Flyer for the garrison of 18 March:)


"... most common and organized crime. 31.7% of the killings take place in the home, more than 68% of victims are women and the perpetrator a male family member or at least a man who had relations with the victim in 9 cases out of 10 (husband, father, boyfriend, brother , neighbor, etc...) The risk is highest for the unemployed, between 25 and 54 years ... "(Corriere Umbria Tuesday, March 11, 2008)

Perugia, May 25, 2007. The "holy family" claimed another victim, Barbara Cicioni, punched in the head and then choked when he was in bed, unable to defend himself to the late pregnancy and diabetes.

Once again, the murderess not knock on the door, the house keys!

Cicioni Barbara passed away on 25 May 2007, but his murder was a death foretold, made up of daily insults, beatings, psychological abuse throughout the marriage, with young children forced to attend to the constant harassment and abuse against women by the husband and, in turn, threatened with death. These continuing violence, Barbara had reacted, had denounced her husband for a bit 'had managed to flee but then went on to suffer it because "the family must remain united and in the name of this" holy family "was killed.

Her husband, Roberto Spaccino, admits to beating her, but denies having murdered: "My wife was pregnant, I would never have killed ...

Yeah, because the wife-murder is a crime, but not the femicide and the value of a woman's life is measured in terms of its role as "incubators", wife, mother to the service of the home, more often than passive witnesses to violence and sexual abuse also on their daughters / i.

The 'massacre' made up of daily killings and rapes against women is consumed in most cases in the family and also did Monday, March 10, three victims in Taranto. A woman e due figlie uccise a colpi di martello, non da uno sconosciuto per strada, possibilmente immigrato, ma dal capofamiglia. Un insospettabile professionista, una persona “per bene” di una famiglia “per bene e normale”, un chirurgo accusato di molestie sessuali nei confronti di una sua paziente, che ha voluto barbaramente punire le SUE donne per aver manifestato l’intenzione di separarsi da lui dopo una vita di litigi.

Ma in questo sistema sociale più le donne vengono violentate e uccise in famiglia e più la famiglia viene esaltata dai vari Ratzinger, Ruini, Casini, ecc., alimentando a livello di massa una ideologia maschilista e patriarcale in cui l'uomo consideri normale che la moglie, i figli siano sua property and where it is unacceptable that a woman can leave and self-determination, in which the family must look out for good and normal, whereas hatching inside the worst brutality. E 'in this social system, which feeds and heterosexist violence produces, which is strengthening the political centrality of the family (up to Family Day), the subordinate role of women in an atmosphere of modern Middle Ages, denying, in fact, abortion rights, self-determination, etc. .. If women are denied the basic rights of their own lives, if the law of a Member State considers his life less than one embryo is or is not an 'inevitable and logical consequence of the resumption of worst machismo in gender relationships? And 'the clear link between the condition of women and killings, sexual violence.

E 'the same social system that breeds violence, which confines women within the home, in their slaughterhouses, which denies them the empowerment to the lack of an income, which denies them social spaces where they can compare and help , that gives them an armored city and desertified, that fuels fear and loneliness through control measures and securitarian of fascist and racist, without giving any response to the widespread need and widespread social security. These measures have a direct effect of encouraging sexual violence at all levels: create a climate of obscurantism and oppression, they create the city "under control" uninhabitable, they are banned, even criminalized normal freedom, sociability among young people, women, people.

There is a direct relationship between measures of increased "security" and the increase in rapes and feminicide violence between the state and that of society. STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN


In the name of all the women raped, killed, oppressed, against the low-intensity war against women respond with anger and determination

Tuesday, March 18, 9:00 am, Presidio before the court in Perugia, Piazza Matteotti, for the preliminary hearing for femicide Barbara Cicioni

upheaval Feminist Perugia

(press release for 18:)


mated March 18 at 9 am before the court in Perugia, Piazza Matteotti, the preliminary hearing for femicide Barbara Cicioni.

The murderess was not knocking the house keys!

express our anger against the "slaughter" made up of daily killings and rapes against women, a "massacre" which usually uses at home.

Just the "holy family" traditional heterosexual and patriarchal, enhanced daily by religious institutions, secular and mass media.

concealing old but still effective balance of power and domination now functional to the reproduction of neoliberal social system.

that the governments of both major political camps institutional rush through measures to support and strengthen family and securitarian.

For every woman killed, raped, hurt us all the injured party! We

to court for reporting and monitoring, because we are no longer willing to suffer any kind of justification and sexist sentence, nor easy manipulation by the media and politicians can power a pericoloso clima di paranoia securitaria e razzista.

Invitiamo tutte a partecipare all’iniziativa, perché solo la soggettività delle donne può contrastare questa violenza e costruire nuovi modelli di relazioni e convivenza.

Sommovimento femminista –PG-

Rete delle Donne –PG-

(comunicato stampa dopo il 18:)

Il movimento femminista è contro il femminicidio, il Telefono Rosa è contro il movimento femminista!!!

Ieri 18 marzo in occasione dell’udienza per l’omicidio di Barbara Cicioni, la donna all’ottavo mese di gravidanza barbamente massacrata dentro la sua home, the feminist upheaval Perugia Umbria and the Network of Women protested outside the court to remember that violence against women today is a shocking reality.

Worldwide, in fact, the leading cause of death for women it is the men's violent death at the hands, so that today is spoken everywhere in a real slaughter: femicide.

Istat national data also revealed that the overwhelming majority of these crimes, as well as in kind of violence (sexual violence and beatings) are consumed in their traditional family. The same family that the contrary is strongly supported by the policies of governments of left and right, held a place of unabashed peace and love. The truth is that lie behind this family of asymmetrical power relations that have resulted in violence and often murder their own.

presence before the court and in the streets yesterday was just to remember all victims of these massacres and quiet to be close in some way every day to women who still suffer violence.

As the feminist movement do not have passion for the courts, because we are aware that the "personal responsibility" are limited to social and political contexts that are complicit, that make them possible. Why not return the life sentence, nor heal the wounds, because we are naturally "suspicious" institutions and management bodies.

why condemn the behavior of some women's associations (and feminist), and in particular Telefono Rosa, which has the arrogance to claim to represent all women, in a context like that of a court. This association is in fact a civil party in the process of Cicioni (announcing his presence in future trials), but also denigrated forms of struggle and solidarity of the women who were present in the protest outside the Court. We do not allow any of these women and institutional power to discredit the work of generations of women and feminists (no perception of expense) that are in the streets, squares, and all places where you can express female subjectivity. For our part not to delegate any of our representatives and our voice, rather we are for the construction of paths reappropriation of our lives, our self-determination and choice.

upheaval Feminist Perugia

---------------------------- If you want to look at the local press, is on this address:
https: / / author_name = upheavals 20femminista%% 20PG = 0 & & comment_limit condense_comments comment5932 # = false and there is also a part of this guide and our previous statement.


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