Did you know that ...?
Increased hydroelectric Itaipu is the world. Brazil has the tenth position as a global producer of electricity. Brazil has the tenth industrial park in the world. It 'the 7th country in the world in number of computers and the largest market in the world of computing.
Brazil is at 1 for the number of users of "Internet Banking", surpassing Canada, USA and Japan.
E 'the 2nd global manufacturer of ceramic coatings and refrigeration compressors, the 4th of beer, the 5th station, the 6th of cigarettes, the 7th of refrigerators.
Brazil is the center of excellence in areas such as aeronautical engineering, high technology, oil, development of satellites, enrichment of uranium and vaccines.
Brazil is the only country in the Southern Hemisphere that is part of the Genome Project.
and 3rd worldwide manufacturer of aircraft for regional flights and training.
The Brazilian company Embraer is the 4th global manufacturer of commercial aircraft.
Embraer sells jets to turboprops to countries like USA, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and China.
In 1997, it invested only 0.7% of GDP in technological development and that, currently, this figure rose to 1.8%.
By 2007, will operate 65 million telephone sets.
Brazil is the 9th place among the countries that make greater use of internet, after the U.S., Japan, United Kingdom, China, Canada, South Korea and Italy.
65% of Latin American websites are Brazilian.
Brazilian television was the fourth of the world to air daily, after the United States, United Kingdom and France.
TV Globo is the 4th broadcaster in the world, surpassed only by the three major North American stations (ABC, CBC and NBC).
dissocupazione rates are lower than those in Europe (Italy: 12%) and at to 4.8% in December 2000.
The book publishing market is larger than Italy, with 50 000 titles every year.
Brazil is the 12th largest producer of cars (Audi, Chrysler, Fiat, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Mercedes, Peugeot, Renault, Toyota, Volkswagen).
In 2002 95% of Brazilians have left their declaration of income tax on the Internet.
During the last election 65% of the vote were made by an electronic system, and 67,000 new polls showed the photographs of candidates.
100 million votes were tallied in 24 hours. (But remember the last American election ...)
In Northeast 70% of more than 50,000 reais property is purchased by Europeans.
A Pipa 75% of the population is of European origin.
Pipa is the most cosmopolitan beach in Brazil and one of the five most famous beaches in Brazil.
In Northeast airports of Natal, Recife and Fortaleza get together 105 international flights per week from Europe, double those receiving in 2003. 105
These flights are direct flights from major European capitals without a stop in Lisbon and from 6 hours of flight. A
Europe is located in the Northeast with the simple change of Brazilian reais euro in nearly triples its purchasing power.
Negli ultimi 3 anni nel Nordest il numero degli europei che ha deciso di acquistare una casa o di ricominciare una nuova vita, in genere aprendo una pousada o ristorante, è aumentato del 60%.
Con la stessa somma che occorre per acquistare un appartamento di 100 m2 in Madrid, un pensionato spagnolo può acquistare una villa su due piani con 4 suites di fronte la spiaggia nel Nordest.
Sempre più europei che vivono in mini-appartamenti nei loro paesi restano incantati dal poter acquistare case grandissime, a pochi metri dalla spiaggia, dove c’è sempre sole e c’è sempre un pescatore che offre gustose aragoste a 17 reais.
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