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permanent visa Brazilian ... The Brazilian Permanent Visa!
There are different categories of visas for foreigners wishing to buy properties in Brazil and / or live. We believe our customers will be interested mainly in two of these categories: permanent visa 1C for Seniors over 50 years of age and
permanent visa 2A Investments 1C - Seniors over 50 years of age
pensioners may obtain permanent residence if they can prove that he is entitled to a monthly pension of a minimum of $ 2,000 or be able to demonstrate the possibility of transferring a minimum of $ 2,000 monthly for life, the sum valid for a person more two dependents. The documentation needs to be validated.
Extracts of birth certificates and marriage (if necessary) Tests for dependents (if necessary)
NB All documents must be officially translated and authenticated by the Brazilian Consulate. The Italians are exempt from the normal tax paid by foreigners to the Consulate.
Those who hold permanent visa in Brazil are exempt from payment of customs duty or on personal property necessary for the performance of their professional activities.
The Consulate reserves the right to request further documentation.
2A - Investment
Seen On approved circumstances it is possible to obtain a permanent visa.
Applicants must apply directly to the Ministerio de Trabalho and Emprego (Ministry of Labour and of the enterprise) in Brazil, or any of the regional offices.
Permanent Visas for investment purposes may be granted to those who invest a minimum of $ 50,000 U.S. dollars in Brazil. Until 2004 class is required an investment of a minimum $ 250,000 U.S. dollars. This gave a strong boost to foreign investment.
The requirements for this visa are: copies of passports
Police Certificate of Vaccination Certificate (if necessary)
Consulate Fee
Ministry `on` will ensure authenticity of the questions on the validity of the jobs for Brazilians, the kind of activity, etc.. Details of the procedure for this type of visa you can apply directly to the Ministry:
Ministerio de Trabalho Emprego and
0055 61 317 6417 Fax: 0055 61 321 0652
All documents must be officially translated and authenticated.
note: details may change.
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