Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ranking Of All Teck Decks

"This earth, O Lord, I believe that the most southern tip to the other we have seen further north that you can see from this port, it will be so great that there will be no less than twenty-five leagues of coastline. Along the sea there are great barriers, some red and others white, and the earth above it's all flat and full of trees. On one point to another, across the beach (...) very flat and beautiful. There appeared from the forest, seen from the sea, very large, because, as far as the eyes stretched, we could not see anything but trees and land ... "
(Song of the letter to the king of Portugal written by Pero Vaz de Caminha, clerk of the fleet that discovered Brazil).

Brazil is in South America, bordered by Venezuela, Guyana, Surename, French Guyana, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. Area: 8,511,965 km2 (the fifth largest country in the world) population about 183,552,000

source - IBGE - Brasileiro Institute of Geography and Statistics.
capital Brasilia
Portuguese Language, official language, most other languages \u200b\u200bspoken by Indian tribes living on reservations.
DOCUMENTS For Italian citizens do not need a visa 'entrance to enter Brazil. At the border police will present their passport with minimum validity of 6 months from the date of departure and the return ticket from Brazil. The residence permit will be issued on arrival for 90 days. Keep a copy of the form since it will be returned upon departure.

CURRENCY The monetary unit of Brazil is the "Reais (R $). Currently, one euro is worth about 3 reais.

BANKS OPEN Monday-Friday from 10.00 to 16.30.

CREDIT CARDS Major international credit cards are accepted in hotels, shops and restaurants.

LANGUAGE Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. But the Portuguese spoken in Brazil has an accent and a rate different from that spoken in Portugal.

TIME ZONE 4 hours less than in Italy. When DST is in Italy or Brazil in the difference of 3 to 5 hours.

ELECTRICITY 110/220 volts in major cities. Where different hotels have adapters.

CLIMATE The seasons are exactly opposite to those of Europe except in the North and Northeast regions of the country where the climate is tropical.

TEMPERATURE The average annual temperature is around 28 º C in the North and Northeast region and 20 º C in the South there are places in the South of Brazil, where winter temperatures get down to zero degrees and other places such as Natal, where during the summer reach 40 º C.

SHOPPING In addition to the already famous precious stones, the supply of the beautiful summer fashion, sensual and colorful is that which translates as the spirit of Brazil, particularly the beach fashion with the great selection of shirts and bikinis "tanga" followed around the world.
Craftsmanship is another recommended choice for gifts or personal purchases. Are characteristic objects of straw, ceramics, pottery, dried fruit and wood and represent the singularity and tradizione di ogni regione. Le meravigliose tovaglie di pizzo si possono trovare nel Nordest del Brasile. Da non perdere la possibilità di acquistare CD di musica brasiliana. Non dimenticare che il cambio favorevole é un invito a curiosare per i negozi in tutte le località del paese.
Breve storia
Il Brasile fu scoperto il 22 aprile 1500 da un navigatore portoghese Pedro Alvares Cabral. Il nome BRASILE deriva da un legno chiamato "pau brasil" dal quale si estraeva un colore rosso per colorare gli abiti. Nel 1822 il Principe del Portogallo proclamò ufficialmente il Brasile un Paese indipendente.Nel 1889 dopo un periodo di crisi economica-monarchica, il 15 novembre venne proclamata la repubblica.Oggi a capo dello Stato c'è il Presidente che è nominato ed eletto direttamente del popolo e resta in carica per cinque anni.

La passione per lo sport dei brasiliani è dimostrata dall'esistenza di circa 8.000 squadre sportive in tutto il Paese, e lo sport più diffuso e popolare è sicuramente il calcio, chiamato qui "futebol".

In Brasile la popolazione è amichevole e cordiale. E’ attraverso lo spirito libero e nazionalistico dei brasiliani che scoprirai la magia del Brasile, una miscela tra romanticismo e bellezza conosciuta in tutto il mondo.

Falsi miti
A tutti noi è capitato almeno una volta di vedere documentari sulle città brasiliane dove viene messo in luce solo il numero delle rapine, di aggressioni, it emphasizes the famous "favelas", spreading false myths, tracing Brazil as one of the countries among the most dangerous, dirty and poor in the world. Even when describing Cyclopean parties organized for the Carnival after a few seconds of colorful images and festive switch to tell the war report of the deaths, the main problem is that they do not explain why neither of these deaths or compare them with a normal day of a large city such as Rome, where normally there are several dozen deaths a day. According to you in a city like Salvador de Bahia, a carnival with 4 million people celebrate for 7 days and 7 nights, 4 victims, all other Brazilian, not within the range of deaths of a large city?

Portuguese cuisine brought by the colonists found new elements in a tropical environment, joined to the customs of the natives, and received no later than the influence of the ingredients used by African slaves, giving rise to the kitchen brasiliana.La "feijoada" is considered a typical dish of Brazil. Born in Rio de Janeiro is the result of a tasty combination of beans, salted and smoked meat with blacks spread throughout the country with the only variation of the type of meat in Brazil fagioli.La is excellent and is served in
"churrascarias" crush grilled, juicy and large portions as usual fare in tutto il paese. Lungo tutto il litorale molti sono i modi di preparare i frutti di mare, con innumerevoli ricette di pesci, gamberetti e le meravigliose aragoste del Nordest.
L’enorme varietà di frutta mangiata al naturale, succhi e colorati frullati si trovano ovunque. Ogni regione del Brasile é un vero festival di sapori, aromi e piacere culinari.La ristorazione in Brasile è molto conveniente e offre una gran scelta di ristoranti di diverse categorie dove si mangia molto bene.

La Musica
Il Brasile è considerato un Paese musicale! E’ sempre stata caratterizzata da una grande diversità e grazie alle influenze musicali provenienti da tre continenti sviluppa continuamente nuove forme assolutamente originali. The samba, still influences other rates as the most recent "pagodas", slower and more passionate. One of the most famous exponents of samba was probably Carmen Miranda, known for his fiery temper and for his hairstyles fruit. The bossa nova, of a more peaceful and influenced by American jazz,
became popular in the '50s with musicians such as João Gilberto and songs like "The Girl from Ipanema." Tropicalismo appeared in Brazil around the 60's and had as capiscuola artists like Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil and presents a mix of different musical influences including classical Italian songs by reference to the Brazilian government many times since. In epoca più recente è diventata molto popolare la musica axé creata dai gruppi musicali dello Stato di Bahia.

La Capoeira
Misto di danza e lotta la Capoeira è stata creata in Brasile dagli schiavi, in base alle tradizioni africane, come forma di difesa personale alle aggressioni fisiche e alle minacce. Nel corso degli anni questa danza/lotta è stata arricchita con nuovi movimenti e variazioni.
Come arma da combattimento utilizza con malizia e creatività le braccia, le gambe, le mani, i piedi, i gomiti, le spalle e le ginocchia.Nella Capoeira oltre ai lottatori hanno un ruolo importante i musicisti e in special modo il suonatore del berimbau che conduce la lotta con il suo ritmo.

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