Coordination of Women "Riots-Torino" this afternoon, March 27, gave birth to a spontaneous garrison in Piazza Castello, the last stop in time order of presentation of the voter list of Ferrara "abortion? no thanks."
In a square reinforced to ensure the holding of a meeting that is actually configured as a press conference just over 15 minutes on the total absence of public (to avoid confrontation with the empty square and hostile Ferrara has avoided the stage already set up and is holed up in the arcades with only the journalists and the spare) have once more demonstrated, as has already happened in other cities, that the only to have the right to speak and decide on the female body are women and that will not tolerate election campaigns play on our lives.
's attempt to gain consensus Ferrara proved in vain if it were not for the attention that is bestowed by the media are always ready to pay attention even to a meeting does not exist.
the empty stage of Ferrara and "his" deserted square, we oppose the route of self-determination that many feminists and lesbians are building and led to large protests in recent months, from November 24 to March 8 in all cities: Turin our streets were filled with 10,000 bodies and voices that can not be silenced by din bulky characters who are trying to invade our lives.
Today, despite the rain and despite the arrogant attitude of the police, we cried a lot in Ferrara on motherhood, contraception, abortion, the choice is ours and we do not tolerate electoral manipulation and dictates from anybody!
below the flyer distributed, x contact 3488528337, 3405247864.
In 1978, after years of struggle for self-determination of women, is passed Law 194 to regulate abortions. The 194 is a victory for women who see finally given the opportunity to decide for themselves on their body without having to stake their lives on the plank of an illegal practice, but in general it is a victory for all of us who believe that decide on sexuality and the most intimate aspects of life should not be the church hierarchy.
This law is a first step and minimum (which in reality very few have followed) to recognize women a different role in society, freeing role from the one in which for years has been relegated: to have children regardless of their wishes. In all these years, attacks on freedom of women to decide on their body they have not disappeared. We thought the church hierarchy, the groups of "extremists for life", such as clerical-fascists of the "pro-life movement," which have subtly slipped in hospitals and clinics and, with farcical instruments of disinformation have always implemented a work of guilt and intimidation against women who, having to resort to an abortion, found themselves in a situation even more difficult and painful.
In recent years, however, the political landscape has turned a loro favore, trovando appoggio in una trasversale presenza fondamentalista-cattolica all'interno di ogni schieramento politico; dalle dame in cilicio del centro-sinistra al buon vecchio Bondi, si è innescata una corsa al compiacere le sempre più retrograde volontà vaticane: passando da una legge del tutto insensata sulla fecondazione assistita, attraverso l'impossibilità di riconoscere le coppie la cui sessualità non è conforme ai canoni cattolici, si è giunti alla sferzata finale sull'onda della provocatoria, quanto opportunistica, "moratoria sulla pena d'aborto" proposta da Giuliano Ferrara.
Nella sua proposta Ferrara definisce la pratica dell'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza "un fenomeno mostruoso quantity and genocide, as an aberrant phenomenon for sexist and racist eugenics, a systematic ethnic cleansing, violent suppression of human beings conceived as a means of family planning and eugenics transhuman utilitarianism. "And again according to the moratorium Ferrara therefore appeared "The choice to make clear to formalize philosophically and legally, and ethically, this rejection response and opposition to abortion. The text of Ferrara stressed the lack of a real subject female decision and ordered the woman to disappear behind the media rhetoric of "life" and virtual divine, freed from earthly desires and priorities. Self-determination viene definita "nichilista e autolesionista" come ad indicare il vuoto che le gerarchie ecclesiastiche associano alla donna (un vuoto da colmare unicamente con i figli) e, come per esplicitare che le donne, autodeterminandosi, vanno a ledere un presunto ordine naturale delle cose, sfidando la natura stessa della vita umana. Su questa scia altri ignobili attacchi sono giunti per esempio dalle amministrazioni regionali, come in Lombardia dove, dopo aver negato il diritto all'assistenza a chi non pratica una sessualità conforme alle norme morali, la Regione ha approvato una gravissima regolamentazione riguardo l'aborto terapeutico: da ora in poi non sarà più praticato oltre le 22 settimane e tre giorni dal concepimento del feto, invece delle 24 settimane generally accepted by physicians and provided by law. Just to reiterate the importance of women's lives less than that of the unborn.
E 'unbelievable and unacceptable that so little is still someone trying to challenge the legalization of abortion and that there is talk of women as mentally impaired who can not of sound mind, incapable of managing their own choices responsibly or even as the monstrous murders that unscrupulous premeditated murder of what could / should become a new human being. If this were not enough, the concept of self-determination of women, an idea (and practice) that seem well-founded and shared after decades of arduous struggle, is now being reinterpreted and interpreted in ideological, like the alleged abuse or invention and not a right.
E 'is also clear that at stake here is not only abortion but also birth control and the right to sexuality separated from procreation. Three things that obviously still men and the Church, does not like to be managed by women. Yet, like it or not atheists and devotees to the ladies in sackcloth, the decision is for women only and nobody else. For millennia, women were not allowed to decide whether and when to procreate. Since they were invented methods of birth control or contraception, women have instead discovered how to avoid making children against their will, but above all, have rediscovered the taste of wanting children, and you really want. The fact that contraceptive methods are so disliked by the clerical power and not only shows that what is bothering is the fact that procreation is to control women. Those who speak in defense of life and flagellate themselves with sackcloth to protect the embryo are those that then support the wars of religion (often in the alleged defense of Muslim women) and secretly wish to abort the immigrants, lesbians, gay men, perhaps even the Communists. Filoembrionisti defend these so-Life, the one with the capital V, that does not even require the moratorium on the war, which he mows millions of lives. They do not pose una moratoria sulle armi convenzionali e non convenzionali, sulle mine antiuomo, sul fosforo bianco. Morti necessarie si dice, incidenti, effetti collaterali: il prezzo da pagare per difendere la tranquillità e il benessere delle nostre metropoli occidentali da temibili terroristi. Figuriamoci poi se in queste coscienze illustri crea qualche preoccupazione filosofica-etico-giuridica, il fatto che migliaia di persone all'anno muoiano sul posto di lavoro. Morti bianche si dice, morti legalizzate in nome di un profitto produttivo che ha la meglio sulla vita di noi tutti.
Dobbiamo opporci con forza a questo clima e mobilitarci tutte insieme per difendere il nostro diritto all'autodeterminazione. Contro l'ipocrisia di chi nasconde dietro una Vita virtuale its hegemonic ambitions over the bodies and sexuality.