At 17 March 1, '08, in three of Fine Arts companions coordination Those that do not fit , denouncing years male violence against women, promote a garrison on March 4, in the court, in solidarity with a woman who sued in September 2006 that he had tried to rape her Three men in civilian clothes without qualification as the police approached and asked them to show identification. ( Press )
The digos only to be later qualified as a result of numerous requests of the companies in the meantime they were trying to contact a lawyer. The lawyer contacted advised them to give particulars, but communication was interrupted abruptly from the seizure of the phone by a policeman. Meanwhile
had already arrived on site four police cars. Companions, surrounded by police, was prevented from giving notice and with the general violence and bullying of getting into a car. Surrounded by more than 15 policemen and digoxin were forcibly introduced to the police car and taken to the police station with sirens blaring.
splicing in all three police were identified as mugshots and fingerprints of both hands and palms, and then intimidated and threatened in many ways, held for three hours at the end of which, for alleged refusal to provide identification and resistance to public Journal. During this detention was prevented from communicating what was happening outside, leaving them in a state of total isolation. Meanwhile women and lesbian co-ordination came in solidarity with the comrades in the police station.
denounce violence must report immediately, the threats continued, the desire to prevent both internally and externally to communicate with each other, the violence carried out by the presence of more than fifteen policemen that surrounded and pushed the power in the car, the choice of an isolated place to make the catch that prevented even more visibility of what was happening.
denounce threats of personal search the police station, how Identification came through mug shots and fingerprints, arrogance, bullying, ridicule estate. We denounce the repression that affects three of our fellow co-ordination against male violence. All of this for us is not only abuse of power, but intimidation targeted political activity of women and lesbians.
remember that this repression is not new: in November 2006 in Crevalcore, during a protest to denounce a rapist, the police kept a very intimidating and threatening behavior against demonstrators, identifying and trying to prevent the holding of the event .
IL April 20, 2007, during a demonstration Cyrenaica, in solidarity with a woman who had denounced her two rapists, once again threatened digos Those that do not fit .
In this case only negative of our public presence that we want to communicate was the obstruction of police, four men in civilian clothes, who were never identified as such and a woman from a certain point on filmed and filmed our every move. At the conclusion of the event while the women who participated in untying the procession, each to take his direction, in subtle form and without that there was no specific reason, the police tried to stop and identify individual women.
... Then we wonder if the task of these operators the police also paid by us is to take many hours of their work to monitor, identify, and perhaps lead to denounce women who try to stop and curb atrocities against them are acted out. Those who have the duty as security [1] not only not do damage, unable to prevent the rapes that occur in either prosecute the guilty, but open spaces for preventing sexist attitudes and pursuing us. The paradox is obvious and we all are aware of it.
Bologna, March 2, 2008
Those that do not fit
[1] Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza is the armed wing of patriarchy and the bourgeois state. No illusion, then, their institutional tasks (which do not affect the "safety" of citizens in general, but the assets and the owners). Ed
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