Friday, March 7, 2008

Vocabulary Level E Review Answers

Aumentano gli infortuni (anche) tra le donne

Each year, 120 workers lose their lives, practically one every three days . The phenomenon is on the rise among women, partly because it is increased the employment rate for women, but also for the more frequent entry of women working in areas at high risk of injury and illness from work. Regarding the overall figure of accidents in different sectors in the years 2003-2005 only women were victims of accidents and 24.5 percent of the total (228,000 cases per 934 000).

Inail These data, released today dall'Inca Cgil during a conference on the 8 March. Even in the industrial sector, where women represent only 23 per cent of total employment, the proportion of accidents is still significant (10.4 percent). As often happens, spatial data mark significant differences. In Italia centrale si registra la più alta percentuale degli infortuni subiti da donne (27,1 per cento). Seguono le regioni del Nord (24,5) e del Mezzogiorno (21,4 ). Riguardo all'età, gli infortuni sono frequenti soprattutto tra le lavoratrici comprese tra 26 e 49 anni. L'Inca riporta anche i dati sulle malattie professionali: ogni anno ne vengono denunciati all'Inail circa 26 mila casi e le donne, con quasi 6 mila denunce annuali, raggiungono il 21,8 per cento del totale. È il settore agricolo quello con la più alta presenza di malattie professionali al femminile: le più frequenti sono tendiniti e sindrome del tunnel carpale (per gli uomini sono invece sordità e malattie dell'apparato respiratorio). In crescita anche accidents of foreign workers, which have doubled from 2001 to 2004, rising from 10 000 to 20 000.

According to data of patronage, about 40 percent of injured women stop working after suffering an injury : 'Too often women, while remaining at work, are employed in work not fully compatible with the disability suffered , exposed to hard work is not always executable. Only 3.8 percent of women with disabilities find the right place '. On women, highlights the patronage falling twice because the consequences of an accident 'is seriously upset the balance of family relationships both internally and in the social context'. He says even the Inca, "the data are significant for a recent sample survey conducted dall'Amnil, which shows that one in five women in the media is abandoned after the accident companion. And, thereafter, over 6 out of 10 women interviewed with the age of 50 years has separated '.

During the conference, the Inca Cgil then listed a number of proposals for better protection: the right also to recognize unmarried couples Inail compensation, ensure access to children and students the same percentage of expected revenue for the surviving spouse Inail (50 percent); Inail ensure that compensation is not less than the worker's salary or the worker died in an accident at work, increase the national fund for the victims in the workplace which currently has a budget of € 2.5 million. "A figure - said the patronage - barely enough to ensure that each victim at work a 'one-off' that runs from 1,500 to a maximum of € 2500 based on the composition of the household." Latest proposal: in the event of serious accidents in the home, working to ensure that the period of illness does not affect the purpose of conservation of the workplace.

(, 07/03/2008)


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