many borders in areas with low productivity, the minimum pay and free basic rights. In less developed countries a large proportion had to be absent from the market. There is a growing level of education. The alarm sounded by the International Labour Office. ( Federico Pace )
are one billion two hundred million women who work in the world. A number in the last ten years has increased by almost twenty per cent. But for the most part are confined to less productive sectors, to bear the major economic risks and are still very far from a decent job. Private access to social protection and fundamental rights. And, although the level of education increases and reduces the gap in some indicators, remains unchanged, the proportion of women employed (Forty percent of the total labor force). These are the main findings of the report "Global Employment Trends Women" released today by the International Labour Office.
Since 1997 the number of women in employment rose by 200 million units. During the same period has increased to a lesser extent, the number of unemployed, today there are 81.6 million. The female unemployment rate fell to 6.4 percent while that of the male component is still less than and equal to 5.7 per cent (see table ).
Loans vulnerable
More women at work then, but for the most part of their problems remain. Especially if you look at the areas where they are active and the rights they enjoy. "Women continue to enter the workforce in large numbers. This progress should not pass unnoticed the great injustices that still exist in workplaces throughout the world," said ILO Director General Juan Somavia. Over the last decade has decreased from 56.1 percent to 51.7 percent, the share of women employed in vulnerable positions (see table ), where he worked for a family or on their own, are not salaried and most likely are not economically independent. A phenomenon that is especially prevalent in poorer regions of the world.
The improvement in recent years has left a share is too high in places of hardship and uncertainty. With rates up to eighty percent in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia "The workplace and the world of work - said Somavia - are fundamental to the achievement of equal opportunity and the advancement of women in society. By promoting decent work for women, reinforcing the company and supports the economic and social progress. "
decent job precondition
The economic development objective for the authors of the report, must be to give all women a decent job. This should be considered anche come la precondizione per lo sviluppo economico. Le aree dove si è registrata una significativa crescita economica sono quelle con la più elevata partecipazione femminile al lavoro, i più bassi tassi di disoccupazione e i minori gap in termini di distribuzione nei settore di impiego. Il coinvolgimento delle donne all’interno dell’occupazione può dare quindi il giusto impulso allo sviluppo economico, solo se esse non rimangono confinate in lavori poco remunerati e con una bassa produttività.
"L'accesso ai mercati del lavoro e ad un’occupazione dignitosa è cruciale per realizzare pari opportunità," ha spiegato Evy Messell, direttrice dell'Ufficio dell'ILO per le pari opportunità, "tuttavia women must still overcome many discriminatory obstacles when seeking employment. Companies can not afford to ignore the potential of women's work for poverty reduction and must seek innovative ways to break down economic barriers, social and political issues. Provide women with a basis of equality in the workplace is not only ethically wrong, it is also a smart investment in the long term. "
Freedom of choice
Today, for every ten men in employment, there are seven women working and the relationship between female employment and population, the value that reveals the extent to which economies are able to benefit from the productive potential of the population working age is 49.1 per cent (while for men is 74.3 per cent). If it is true, the report's authors stress that not all women want to work, it is certain that all must be given the opportunity to choose between working or not. And if they choose to work, must be given the opportunity to choose jobs that pay and with the same rights as their male colleagues.
TABLE: since 1997
TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT: self-employed persons and vulnerable
(, 03/07/2008)
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