Al fine di contribuire documentalmente all’attuale dibattito sull’aborto, riportiamo il testo del Decreto sovietico del 1920, che regolamenta l’ ”aborto libero e gratuito” annunciato subito dopo la rivoluzione d’ottobre del 1917.
I tratti caratteristici della legge sovietica del 1920 sono:
1) l’aborto è (un’operazione chirurgica) legale (artt.1 e 2), purchè sia effettuato da un medico;
2) esso è (entro i tre mesi) frutto di libera scelta della donna (art.6);
3) l’aborto è un problema sociale (gli aborti clandestini e la moria delle donne) che va affrontato ponendo l’incolumità e la salute della donna al primo posto (artt.3 e 4);
4) non è permesso al medico di rifiutare l’aborto, ma solo di cercare di dissuadere la donna (artt.8 e 13).
Negli anni successivi, di pari passo col sopravvento delle forze contro-rivoluzionarie, vengono approvate norme integrative, limitative.
- Nel 1924, l’art.5 impedisce l’aborto “durante la prima gravidanza” (a unless the mother is not life threatening).
- In 1928, Article 7 prevents abortion within six months of the year.
With the Stalinist legislation of 1936, there is a complete reversal of trend, abortion is prohibited (art. 1 of the Decree of 06.28.1936), unless there is a danger of a woman's life or severe damage to his health, or the inheritance of "some serious illness" (included in the list annexed to the Decree).
Decree of 18 November 1920 (supplementary provisions with )
"The People's Commissariat for Public Health and the People's Commissariat for Justice, in order to protect women's health and interests of the race against greedy charlatans and ignorant, whereas the system of repression so far has not adopted any results, the following resolution:
Art.1. - The operation for the abortion can be performed only by medical graduates.
Art.2. - Except in exceptional circumstances, abortion should be the result of an operation and administration of a drug.
Art.3. - After the operation, the women must stay in bed in hospital or in a place similar to least seventy-two hours.
Art.4. - After each abortion or curettage, the patients can be summarized to work earlier than two weeks from the operation.
[Art.5. - Abortion may be performed during the first pregnancy, except in cases of life-threatening for the mother (Supplementary Decree of 1924).]
Art.6. - Abortion may be performed if the pregnancy has lasted for more than three months.
[Article 7. - A new abortion may be performed earlier than six months from the previous (Supplementary Decree of 1928).]
Art.8. - Except as required by the Articles. 5-6-7, the qualified doctor has the right to reject abortion, ma conserva la libertà di dissuadere la paziente con tutti i mezzi a sua disposizione.
Art.9. – Tutti gli aborti devono essere praticati in appositi ospedali, destinati a questo scopo.
Art.10. – Alle levatrici e in genere a chiunque non sia medico è rigorosamente proibito di praticare aborti. I contravventori saranno tradotti davanti al Tribunale del Popolo.
Art.11. – I medici che praticano aborti al di fuori degli ospedali, con effetti letali per la paziente, come ogni altro individuo alle cui manovre abortive segue la morte della donna, possono essere perseguiti per omicidio. Non sono punibili le donne che si procurano l’aborto da sole.
Art.12. – Chiunque process, with the mother's consent to a termination of pregnancy without being authorized to do by law shall be punished with imprisonment or with hard labor up to a maximum of one year and fine of 600 rubles. The same punishment that the medical practice operation in unhygienic conditions. In the case where the acts specified in the first part of this article had the character of customary acts or mercenaries, or to take place without the consent of the mother, or even causing its death, the offender shall be punished with five years' imprisonment (art .140 Ref. Criminal, 1922)
Art.13. - It is the duty of the doctor to advise against abortion if the women who need fewer than three children, if they have adequate means to raise another, where their health may well tolerate another pregnancy, if their living conditions are a good environment for children, and finally if there is no company name, physical or economic justify abortion. "
(Adapted from: "Study of the Soviet legislation on abortion ..." Italo Sanguineti and Fabio Morpurgo. Bologna, L. Cappelli, 1946).
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