Pernambuco State Development Program - PRODEP
Incentives are consolidated in the State of Pernambuco Development Program (PRODEP) and provisions of the ICMS general laws of the State. PRODEP is a platform for the attraction of companies based on economic vocations Pernambuco, a differentiated state, in the northern region of the country, because of its privileged logistics, the concentration of human capital and its diversified economy, with a significant proportion of targeted with modern services, with particular attention to the Information Technology hub of medical services and retail.
The main attractions of the state - that are the basis for PRODEP, sono i seguenti: centrale e strategica posizione geografica, con un raggio di influenza di trenta milioni di consumatori nella regione nord-orientale. Recife è equidistante dagli altri due grandi mercati regionali, Fortaleza e Salvador. Suape Port Industrial Complex, con una capacità di attirare le navi fino a 150 mila TPB, un percorso naturale per i porti importanti negli Stati Uniti, Europa, Africa e America Latina;
le migliori infrastrutture di trasporto nella regione, con una rete autostradale con 5.000 km di strade asfaltate, 1.000 km di linee ferroviarie e l'aeroporto internazionale con il traffico più grande della regione nord-orientale.
consolidata base produttiva, responsabile per il 20% del PIL del Nord-Est, in aggiunta alle risorse umane più qualificate della regione, con ottimi indici di produttività e di una forte tradizione industriale. Prodepe benefici sono le seguenti: Sunday, November 8, 2009
Community Service Sheets
1 - Unità industriali;
1.1 - ICMS presunto credito di responsabilità diretta del contribuente, detratto dal saldo mensile del debito, fino al 85%, per un periodo di quattro anni e il 75% durante i successivi otto anni, nonché la compensazione della quantità di merci in vendita per le altre regioni geografiche del paese, attraverso la concessione di un presunto credito equivalente al 3% delle uscite da NE. Benefici non può comportare il pagamento della tassa per un importo inferiore al 15% del saldo del debito iniziale;
1.2 - time to pay ICMS in import of machinery and equipment for the ongoing activities of the work unit at its desincorporation. The benefit also applies to internal operations and the operations of interstate, as regards the difference between the motorway and the internal rate; 1.3 - deferred to the next exit, pay ICMS of the electric power generated by a power plant, internal operations; 1.4 - the state has offered to consider a request for deferral ICMS most important acquisitions of raw materials, to pay normal tax year following the exit. Import Trading Unit
The state provides as the basis of Pernambuco Development Program - PRODEP for the import trade to trade 'wholesale products from abroad, the following advantages:
a) seven years fruition
b) extension of the ICMS on imports;
c) the claim alleged, at the next exit, with the following percentages:
for internal operations:
the planting of new businesses in the State;
6% the amount of import, when the rate is above 7% and less than or equal to 12%;
8% of the import, when the rate exceeds 12% but less or equal to 17%, 10% of import
, when the rate exceeds 25%. On interstate transactions
Presumed credit of 47.5% of the amount of the operation.
3 - Distribution Center
Tenders state, based on the Program Development Pernambuco - PRODEP, distribution centers, wholesalers or characterized as a branch of an industry to buy its products directly from the manufacturer or producer located in another unit of the Federation, the following advantages:
a) in the case of removal operations, a credit equal to 3% of the estimated total expenses of which promoted the distribution center;
in the case of transactions entered through the transfer of assets from an industrial society is in another unit of the Federation, an alleged claim an amount equal to 3% of the transfer.
The granting of incentives through decrees by the executive branch provides legal certainty and transparency of the program.
In addition to the above benefits, the companies being installed in Pernambuco can count on the financing of the investments and managed financial and tax incentives from the federal government, namely:
by BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank) - the financing of fixed investment and working capital, • by BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank) - to finance fixed investment and working capital;
by Banco do Nordeste (Bank of North-East) - to finance fixed investment and working capital through the transfer of resources from BNDES, which is the transfer agent, or through FNE - Constitutional Fund resources for the Northeast.
Several municipalities have their own state policies of tax incentives that reduce the ISS (tax on services) and IPTU (Tax on Urban Land and Property) burden.
Companies interested in tax incentives by the State must compile a guide for the presentation of the project for presentation to the joint examination by the technical teams of AD / Diper (Pernambuco Economic Development Agency) e SEFAZ (Segreteria delle Finanze).
Da tale esame, un parere congiunto delle due squadre coinvolte è stato rilasciato e sarà presentato al comitato direttivo di PRODEPE, composto dai segretari seguenti: sviluppo economico, turismo e sport, finanze, e della Scienza e della Tecnologia, e anche della AD / Diper Presidente. In tale riunione, i pareri sono valutate e raccomandate o meno per l'approvazione finale da parte CONDIC - Stato di Pernambuco industriale, Commercio e Servizi per lo sviluppo del Consiglio.
CONDIC L'incontro è aperto al pubblico. Dopo la loro approvazione, le decisioni Condic sono pubblicate mediante la sua risoluzione e il processo è trasmesso governor's office for the publication of the decree granting the company specific.
Further information: Economic Development Agency
Phone: (55 81) 3217-7338 / 3217-7300
E-mail: @ addiper addiper.
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