We sent a new contribution to medical journals and Child that readers of our blog to read now, downloading the pdf file from this URL: http://tinyurl.com/gigiopinocchio
The title is quite long:
do not yet know whether this intervention will be accepted for publication by the journal. But we are sure that our readers will help us to spread it, with the discretion that always ask, among their friends and doctors.
Nostalgia Topo Gigio? Pinocchio a consolationanalysis "documents" (30 November 2009) of the Italian response to the pandemic

do not yet know whether this intervention will be accepted for publication by the journal. But we are sure that our readers will help us to spread it, with the discretion that always ask, among their friends and doctors.
This intervention, however, should also be of interest to professional communicators (journalists, teachers at all levels) but also scholars of our society (media experts, sociologists, economists, historians).
should also be of interest to professional politicians, if the policy is still interested in what happens in society.
should be of interest to scientific societies, the companies may have in Italy is still a real scientific interest.
In fact it should mainly be of interest to ordinary people.
We wrote it with a goal of helping to understand what is happening these days around the swine flu: the mixed messages of the media, the incomprehensible difference of opinion is recorded in "opinions" of doctors, the confusion "well orchestrated "the messages of "autorità", il ruolo di quelli che abbiamo chiamato, già in tante occasioni in questo blog, "esperti di corte" e di quelli che abbiamo chiamato, in altre occasioni, "esperti antagonisti". Il lavoro che abbiamo realizzato è quello di due medici che fanno parte di una iniziativa che, fin dall'inizio, si è "schierata" a favore della ineludibile necessità di una vaccinazione di massa contro il virus pandemico. Abbiamo però cercato di realizzare la nostra analisi con onestà intellettuale e rigore scientifico. Ovviamente sono adesso i lettori che dovranno giudicare la bontà di quel che abbiamo prodotto. Speriamo di ricevere molti commenti, anzi vi saremmo grati di un vostro commento (sul Blog, sulle nostre pagine Facebook or by email). In a society like ours, where everything has a commercial value, this is a great price ... we ask you to pay:
not only have the patience to read but also write and send us your feedback. Thanks
Pippo Bruno, Salvo Fedele
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How to cite this article?This article has a permanent URL (Permalink): http://tinyurl.com/gigiopinocchioTo quote him correctly after the authors' names can be used to replace the permalink URL of the Blog:Bruno P, S Fedele: Nostalgia Topo Gigio? Pinocchio a consolationanalysis "documented" 30 November 2009 by the Italian response to the pandemicPreview drafting WEBM.org; 2009; 30/11: http://tinyurl.com/gigiopinocchio
NotesThis paper was written thanks to the contributions and criticisms of the majority of participants in the initiative WEBM.org "Influenza A H1N1 and pandemic."especially thank Matilde Castiglione, Enrico Corpora, Giuseppe De Santes, Rosario Ferracane, Paul Fiammengo, Caterina Lo Presti, Maria Grazia Lunetta, Daniela Vernaccini, Maria Luisa Zuccolo for the contribution of ideas, analysis of the sources and the patient work revision of the text.
Conflict of interest The authors declare "their" conflict of interest are part of the Italian National Health Service and as such committed to disclose, with intellectual honesty and rigor Scientific, effectiveness and necessity of vaccination for il virus pandemico A H1N1 swl.
Precedenti contributi inviati a Medico e Bambinoda parte di partecipanti all'iniziativa WEBM.org:1) S. Fedele, P. Bruno: L'influenza suinaMedico e Bambino 2009;9:558-559 http://tinyurl.com/mb11webmorg2) D. Alessi et al: Medico e Bambino e la Pandemiaanteprima redazionale WEBM.org 2009;19/11: http://tinyurl.com/mb11rwebmorgsi veda anche il post di presentazione a questo link
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