Fonte WHO
Safety of pandemic vaccines
L'OMS sulla base delle informazioni ricevute dalle autorità sanitarie nazionali stima che circa 65 milioni di persone sono state vaccinate per l'influenza A/H1N1. Tenuto conto di questa "scala" di somministrazione del vaccino, tra the other with an increasing trend, briefing published last Nov. 19 stressing the need for safety monitoring.
anecdotal evidence suggests, as expected, that the side effects commonly reported include swelling, redness or pain at the injection site, which usually resolves spontaneously soon after vaccination.
have been reported, albeit less frequently, including fever, headache, fatigue and muscle pain, occurring after vaccine administration and usually resolve spontaneously within 48 hours.
addition, the variety of allergic reactions observed is well within the range expected.
To date, less than ten suspected cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome have been reported in patients who received the vaccine. These numbers are consistent with background rates (background rates) normal of this disease, as reported in a recent study (see article editorial). However, these cases are under investigation to determine if these events occur randomly or can be associated with vaccination and that is why the WHO recommends continuous monitoring.
A small number of deaths occurred in people who have been vaccinated. All these deaths, the WHO reports were promptly considered. Although some investigations are ongoing, the results of investigations made have ruled out a direct link the pandemic vaccine.
In China, for example, where more than 11 million doses of pandemic vaccine have been administered, health authorities were informed of 15 cases of serious side effects and two deaths that occurred after vaccination. A thorough investigation of these deaths, including a review of the results of the autopsy, determined that the cause of death were underlying medical conditions and not the vaccine.
Safety profile of different vaccines
during the fishing season you use different types of vaccine (inactivated and adjuvanted live attenuated vaccines is not) but for these adverse events, the WHO states that have not been recognized until now differences in the profile security between the different vaccines.
Although the safety monitoring continues, all data collected to date indicate that vaccines against the pandemic have an excellent safety profile as those used against seasonal influenza for more than 60 years.
Briefing Updates (WHO-GAR)
Bruno Joseph Bruno an article of Danielle Ofri appeared in the NEJM on November 25
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