Cari amici di M&B Sottopongo alla vostra attenzione un intervento che abbiamo collettivamente elaborato
(si vedano le firme nel pdf allegato)
, analizzando il messaggio che è scaturito dalla pubblicazione della nostra precedente lettera sull'influenza suina.
Ci rendiamo conto che la lunghezza dell'intervento è that does not make it easy to have it published in your book of letters. We would submit for your attention without any claim to request its publication.
We were interested but you know our thoughts, at least for the aspect that concerns the role of such a prestigious scientific journal of the Italian paediatricians and listened as yours. We live in an era when the definition of "source" scientific assume every day a "dimension increasingly blurred." Perhaps some of our observations may be helpful to continue to do your job so fruitful.
If you would feel good response from your magazine to write what you just refer to the URL in the text that you send may be viewed by everyone http://tinyurl.com/mb11rwebmorg
Many thanks and best wishes Salvo Fedele
messages to readers of our blog
We we do not like to disturb people with "viral email".
For our readers ask, however, point out with discretion and within their limited medical knowledge of this letter. We remember the link that leads directly to a downloadable pdf:http://tinyurl.com/mb11rwe
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