Thursday, October 29, 2009

Relationship Day Counter

Tronchetti now invests 200 million in Brazil and looks to the Arab world


AN PAULO (Brazil) - South America, Romania, China , Russia. And now, Libya or Saudi Arabia. Pending the passing of the crisis, Pirelli raises emerging markets. Yesterday in Santo Andre, Brazil, Marco Tronchetti Provera has announced new investment of 200 million dollars over the next three years in the South American country and, increasingly in 'an effort to strengthen international, the possibility of a landing in "Libya and Saudi Arabia" for go to the conquest of Africa and the Middle East. 'S investment, said Tronchetti, is linked to

incentive programs decided by the two countries. And, with regard to Libya, also from the actions they have taken from Tripoli to strengthen ties with the 'Italy. Pirelli will invest "in conjunction with local institutions," the president said remembering che la Grande Jamahirya ha stanziato 11 miliardi a questo scopo. La scelta sarà fatta «entro l' autunno» tenendo conto «dei programmi che i Paesi offrono e valutando le basi produttive anche pensando all' esportazione». Intanto a Santo Andrè, dove 80 anni fa è partita l' avventura della Bicocca in Sudamerica, Tronchetti ha fatto il punto sulle strategie, che saranno sostenute da 200 milioni di dollari di investimenti, da aggiungere ai 400 già stanziati negli ultimi tre anni. L' obiettivo è aumentare la capacità produttiva del 20% e il fatturato del 10%, consolidando così la posizione in America Latina, dove la Bicocca è leader assoluta con quote di mercato superiori al 50%. Certo, Tronchetti non ha nascosto that "after growth of 4.5% in recent years, there 'was a bit' of slowing down. But - he added - the market is recovering. " The first signal came in just yesterday, with the 'announcement of an increase in car sales in Brazil by 20% in June. Good news, not only for Pirelli, but also for Fiat, one of the leading manufacturers in the country, which Tronchetti admits to watching with interest also from a Chrysler, "we are suppliers to Ford and GM in Latin America: Chrysler has not activities here, but could have them by Fiat. It is a new door opening. " And yesterday in Pirelli's Square Deal was the 'only way to register a positive closure to a day in a minus sign.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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Circle feminist DonnaProletaria

October 17, 2009, inauguration of the feminist club DonnaProletaria

15.00, via Stadera 12, Milan

... because we have all known on the Internet, send signals and messages that were received because we were tuned to the same 'receptor'.

Because we are part of the "species communist and feminist politics," of that culture medium, ie that real movement is communism, the fetus in the womb of capitalism, which is growing and that we, by good midwives, we would like give birth soon. But it takes nine months to be born!

In this age of transition in which we are allowed to exist by chance, with our need to 'communism' ...

Comunanza, proximity of intent and support, are the only things you like.

you there!

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globally, I suggest that these eight arguments, all those who want to join the constitution of the feminist club Milan, in the Steelyard. Theses are the ABC of our feminism, point of departure and sharing.

1) male violence and the historical form, in which the current crisis of capitalism strikes us as women. This is done by male violence to counter the autonomy of women, whose development would precipitate the crisis of the family and the torque, which is based on the sexual division of labor (roles) and scaffold-capitalist patriarchy, which guarantees the male as such, forms of domination over women.

2) Each patriarchy, including the capitalist, as assigned to the male gender dominance, a dominant role and power over women. In any class woman, is - in general - than the man. Working women, as capital employed and serve in domesticity (care work for free), suffers from the oppression and exploitation. If color is different from the 'white' also suffers a particular form of oppression, linked to her gender and 'race' (sexism, racism)

3) Separatism - historically - has been the only organization fighting the Perhaps because women were discriminated against by men for millennia. From the form of opposition, the complaint was made separatism and organized form of struggle in which women have become aware of their inferiority.
The 'second wave' feminism (70) è il passaggio dalla lotta per l'emancipazione femminile alla lotta per l'Autonomia, un processo storico conflittuale col Maschile e col Capitale, ancora in corso, reso sempre più acuto e violento dall'acuirsi della crisi economica. Mettere in dubbio, osteggiare o credere che il 'separatismo' sia 'nocivo' al movimento delle donne, significa negare al sesso femminile oppresso una propria capacità di lotta o renderla ausiliaria a lotte ritenute più 'generali' e importanti che la 'liberazione' di metà del genere umano.
   In questa concezione, confluiscono razzismo, senso di superiorità maschile e autoritarismo patriarcale. Il separatismo è giusto e necessario ancor di più nel nostro historical period in which, while the proletariat rises in the subject of History, the forces which claim to socialism, consider our cause always subordinate to the 'class issue'.

4) The issue of women affects all women, as such, because the woman as a human being was the first to fall into slavery and the slave was a slave before they existed. Women of power and bourgeois are those under class they belong to, not as female sexual beings. As such, they are not the same level as their male counterparts (see the 'case' Lario / Berlusconi).

5) The proletarian woman is compelled, for its socio-economic position nella scala più bassa della gerarchia sociale, ad una lotta di classe all'interno del genere (contro le borghesi) e ad una lotta di genere all’interno della classe, in quanto proprio nella classe proletaria, la discriminazione contro di lei assume le forme più odiose e crudeli.

6) Gli antagonismi e le divisioni non sono ‘creazioni della borghesia' (essa le sfrutta) ma derivano dalla divisione della società in classi e dei due sessi in ‘genere’. Il ‘genere’ è la struttura ideologica-culturale in cui si cristallizza, nella società di classe, l'inferiorità sociale della donna. Il binomio economico-ideologico su cui è costruita l'inferiorizzazione della donna è patriarchy, whose archetype is the property of a woman by a man.

7) The 'left' parliamentary 'anti-parliamentary' on male violence does not say a syllable to stand. Among the meta-language of 'rape capital' and the meta-language news on pairs of women, there is no difference. The rampage of murder is not less abstract of the 'rape capital'.
Violence makes man and not through a third identity, the capital. According to the theory of 'transmission belt' of oppression, you can never turn to the principle of violenza contro la donna.

8) Da Platone ai nostri giorni, il maschio è il sesso egemone della politica. Le donne nelle formazioni di ‘sinistra’ furono e sono intruppate in ‘classi differenziali’ (commissioni femminili ) per l’intelligenza diversa, non inferiore, forse eguale, ma che non si sa esprimere e deve essere etero-diretta e ‘istruita’ dal maschile, cui spetta il monopolio delle conoscenze nel 'partito-linea-scienza-educatore'. Molte donne sono inquadrate anche in base ad una rigida divisione dei ruoli all'interno di tali gruppi. Il sessimo politico imperante, quando non riesce a trasformarle in badanti dello 'zoo domestico del militante' (mogli dei mariti, amanti dei leader, madri di progenie rivoluzionaria) assegna loro ruoli di manovalanza (angeli del computer, lucciole della diffusione, api operose di 'cene sociali', mendiche alla caccia di 'sottoscrizioni' ecc) .
   Le più ribelli non potendo più fuggire volontarie in Africa o in India, come le sorelle degli anni '70, né ritirarsi in qualche convento a meditare sulla ‘differenza’, bollate di sindrome dissociativa e di 'parafrenismo politico' spesso, per 'resistere' in tali partiti maschili, devono darsi al Prozac.

Grazie, un abbraccio, emma.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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discovery of oil reserves in pre-sale in Brazil Lula's Brazil

Petrobras announced on Friday that the drilling of two new wells on the coast of the Holy Spirit, confirmed the presence of oil better quality in the area called Parque das Baleias in the northern part of Campos Basin. Estimates of oil reserves are found between 1.5 and 2 billion barrels. The wells were drilled about 80 km from the coast and about 5 km from the well 1-ESS-103A, which already produces a large amount in September. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Parque das Baleias already totals 3.5 billion barrels of oil, including the results announced today, according to the calculations of Petrobras. In early September, the head of exploration and production of Petrobras in Espirito Santo, Márcio Félix Carvalho, had assessed the potential reserves of Parque das Baleias to 2 billion barrels. Known reserves are currently in Brazil are estimated at a total of about 14 billion barrels of oil and gas - not to mention the pre-sale. In Sao Paulo, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said he was pleased with the discovery of these new reserves in the Holy Spirit. "It 's more oil to deal with this crisis we are experiencing," the president said.

Minister Edison Lobão (Mines and Energy) has pointed out that the results of

discovery of the pre-sale

has doubled its oil reserves. "These are two huge pits, each with one billion barrels of oil quality," said Lobão, adding that with it the Brazilian oil reserves will be doubled.

To date, the Company had already made discoveries of pre-sale for a total of 12 billion barrels of oil in the Campos and Santos basins. With the two new wells on the coast of the Holy Spirit in Parque das Baleias, stocks of pre-sale will ensure 14 miliardi di barili. "E 'una scoperta importante della Petrobras, petrolio di ottima qualità," ha detto Lobão, aggiungendo che il potenziale del pre-sale è "ancora più grande". Solo nel bacino di Santos, vi è una valutazione che le riserve di pre-sale potrebbero essere superiori a 50 miliardi di barili.

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Il Brasile è un esempio per l'America Latina e un rifugio sicuro per gli investitori internazionali. Attualmente il mercato brasiliano immobiliare appare very interesting, even if the whole world is going through a tough recession. Both foreign investors that local investors consider Brazil as one of the safest and most attractive countries for investment in real estate

If you want or are thinking about investing in a property market with strong growth potential, or simply are looking for a property on the beach for your leisure time and rest, contact us, we are here to guide you and help you to choose your best and most qualified investments. Brazil is open to the collaboration of big business, so we invite you to discover and invest in Brazil, creating partnerships and make big business.

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Brazil is an example for Latin America and a safe haven for international investors.

Currently, the Brazilian market Real Estate looks very interesting, even if the whole world is going through a tough recession. Both foreign investors that local investors consider Brazil as one of the safest and most attractive countries for investment in real estate

If you want or are thinking about investing in a property market with strong growth potential , or simply are looking for a property on the beach for your leisure time and rest, contact us, we are here to guide you and help you to choose your best and most qualified investments. Brazil is open to the collaboration of big business, so we invite you to discover and to invest in Brazil, create partnerships and make big business.

Petrobras announced on Friday that the drilling of two new wells on the coast of the Holy Spirit, confirmed the presence of oil of the highest quality in the area called Parque das Baleias in the northern part of Campos Basin. Estimates of oil reserves are found between 1.5 and 2 billion barrels. The wells were drilled about 80 km from the coast and about 5 km from the well 1-ESS-103A, which already produces a large amount in September. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Parque das Baleias already totals 3.5 billion barrels of oil, including the results announced today, according to the calculations of Petrobras. In early September, the head of exploration and production of Petrobras in Espirito Santo, Márcio Félix Carvalho, had assessed the potential reserves of Parque das Baleias to 2 billion barrels. Known reserves are currently in Brazil are estimated at a total of about 14 billion barrels of oil and gas - not to mention the pre-sale.
In Sao Paulo, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said he was pleased with the discovery of these new reserves in the Holy Spirit. "It 's more oil to deal with this crisis we are experiencing," the president said.
Minister Edison Lobão (Mines and Energy) has pointed out that the results of
discovery of the pre-sale
has doubled its oil reserves. "These are two huge pits, each with one billion barrels of oil quality," said Lobão, adding that with it the Brazilian oil reserves will be doubled. To date, the Company had already made discoveries of pre-sale for a total of 12 billion barrels of oil in the Campos and Santos basins. With the two new wells on the coast of the Holy Spirit in Parque das Baleias, stocks of pre-sale will provide 14 billion barrels. "It 's an important discovery of Petrobras, oil of excellent quality," said Lobão, adding that the potential of the pre-sale is "even bigger". Only in the Santos basin, there is a finding that the pre-salt reserves could be higher than 50 billion barrels.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

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Olympics will be in Rio In Brazil the 2014 World

Special Olympics 2016 - the four candidates
Chicago, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo: find the cities of the Summer Games
of Antonello Ruccia

Beijing 2008

is still in memory.

Madrid, Rio de Janeiro

and Tokyo. Four different lands, each with its own charm, which have decided to focus on sport. On 13 September the International Olympic Committee will announce the winner, but not before making inspections at sites that will host the Games. Plants futuristic dream scenes, extraordinary projects. You just have to browse through these pages and find out how it will be the sporting event of 2016. THE CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF THIS is the International Olympic Committee to identify from time to time, the city that will host the Olympic Games. Since 1999, there are two phases in which this choice is structured in a process that takes approximately two years time. In the first phase referred to as "Application ," every city wants to move the nomination to host the Olympic Games

can send it to the IOC through its National Olympic Committee of reference. The city candidates must submit a draft

, which will be evaluated by an IOC working group on the basis of different criteria: government support to the event, public opinion, infrastructure carrying capacity of the city, transport, and so on. This phase lasts about ten months

. Of all the city candidates, the candidates will be identified, and will move to the second phase Candidation
An evaluation committee will analyze thoroughly the documentation submitted by the candidate cities, and send its inspectors on the spot. All these data will feed into a final document that will be submitted to a vote

. In the final vote participating members of the IOC, National Olympic Committees, representatives of international sports federations, representatives of the athletes within the IOC, the members of the Committee of Paralympics, and any expert invited by the CIO. This vote is done, traditionally, seven years before the Olympics in question. The evaluation commission will visit 4 to 7 April 2009 in Chicago

, 16 to 19 April 2009 will be
Tokyo, from April 29 to May 2, 2009 Rio de Janeiro will

, and from 5 to 8 May 2009 will instead
Madrid. The
October 2, 2009 in the 121st IOC Session, to be held in Copenhagen , there will finally vote for the award of the 2016 Games. ALL CITY CANDIDATE

In Brazil the 2014 World to

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posted: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 by Celephais

The FIFA's executive committee, meeting today in Nyon, decided unanimously to award the 2014 World
Brazil. The decision, the result of "shifts" between continents, introduced by the highest organization of world football in recent years, was in reality a long time already served, as the only competitor in the race for the organization of the Brazilian World Cup, Colombia, had retired a few months ago.
to have hosted two editions of the event. The earlier in 1950

, the results of dramatic, with the resounding defeat in the final, in front of 170 000 viewers from the Maracana, against Uruguay in Schiaffino, even defeat that led the authorities to declare national mourning, given the chain of suicides triggered by the event.

The decision was announced by Blatter in the presence of Brazilian President

Lula, who has said "Very proud to organize this major event that will demonstrate the great economic and social progress made by his country in recent years"
also present at the ceremony the President of the Brazilian Football Federation Texeira, the national coach Carlos Dunga
, footballer Romario and UEFA president, Michel Platini

who said that with this decision:

"E 'as if the kick went a pilgrimage to Mecca, or Santiago de Compostela, or Jerusalem [...] Brazil is the country that gave something more than all the football is the greatest football nation in the world, won the largest number of world, got the most talent